Is anyone really working from home and earning a living?

There are so many scams out there, just wondering if anyone is really making a good living from home on their computer and if so what are you doing and how did you find it?


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? Favorite Answer

  • I am a 12 years old boy so i go to school but my college brother have a small business.He make cds of songs in home.People order the songs and he make cds of it (he take songs from lime wire which is free).He take money whatever population of songs are there in a list.

    He don’t take pocket money because he feel shy to take money from our father.

    Source(s): Hi sweet suzy

  • 2

    Source(s): Get Paid Taking Surveys –

  • I’m not sure about earning a living but, I recently found that working for home is all about getting what you give. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort….it can be quite rewarding. I actually just started working from home and have been surprised by the earning potential. The internet is really a place of opportunity. If you research alot you can def. find some great ideas that work well for you. This is site listed below is the company I decided to go with. So far, so good! It was def. worth a try.


  • We tried various home based businesses over the last 6 years and made very little. Many want several hundred dollars to join, and then you spend $40-$80 or more a month for product and/or a replicated website. Then you promote it to your “Warm Market” List — people you know. Some are successful at that, most are not. Some opportunities give very little income even if you do find some customers. So check out the compensation, additional charges, support, the company, and make sure it is a valid product that you can be proud of.

    We have finally found a home business that we really like, with excellent compensation. To find out more look at or Email us for more info at: [email protected]. You can also have the flexibility and income tax advantages of your own home based businesses. I have not seen anything like this.

    Another way to make money from home is with internet marketing.

    One person you could check with is Stephen Pierce – he has some good courses for under $1. Watch out for people who claim to be experts but aren’t, or who give you little or no support if you get stuck. Before you purchase anything just be determined to hang in there and keep going, because a lot of people buy things and never do anything with it, or quit when they find it difficult. All the best.

  • If you are an accomplished typist – word processor and have recently visited your local city college or university librarian, you can apply as a “certified” graduate typist, earning between $1.50 to $2. per page for a master or doctoral thesis. The librarian will provide you with a sample of the typing template (i.e., margin settings, font selection, page set up, etc.) in order to complete these projects. An average weekend income is about $3-$4 for two days work.

    Good luck!

    Source(s): I tried this and it really works.

  • Unless you are working for yourself with freelance, subcontracting, or as a satellite to an ‘office’ somewhere most home jobs are ‘iffy’ at best.

    There just aren’t many low skilled stay at home jobs period. Ones at the computer either boil down to reselling things, piece work for fractions of a cent per ‘something’, or some sort of Ponzi scheme.

    You need to be very skilled with both a computer and in some field to do the jobs in my first sentence. The ones in my second sentence are the ones advertised as “actual results may vary” – for good reason!

    Sorry, I know that’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth.

    Source(s): I’ve lived a bit and seen too much I think – sometimes. 😉

  • Hello Suzy!

    I work on an online business and it’s a legit business. Registered with BBB and it’s about 8-9 months old. I just made $2 in 30 minutes last night. My friend made $11,0 in 5 weeks and another made $12,0 in two months. I have proof of their bank statements they sent me. All you gotta do is refer people! Send me an email and I’ll set up an online meeting with you if you want to show you better how it works. There’s no crisis for me now that I work with this. I don’t even have to leave home! Yayy!!

  • you better believe it. They are the people selling this ##@#%. This is as old as communications. When they get your money they have made their’s. Have you ever check one that said as soon as you began making money on the site we give you to sell from then we earn a percentabe. Nope! They get theirs up front. One of oldest I recall went like this. Garrunteed way to make money(l930s), Send a self stamped evenolpe and 25 cents. In the envelope one so eagarly supplied came the reply, Put an ad in a magazine like I did. A quarter went a long way back then.

  • Yes, I have a business called “Stayin Home and Lovin It!” It is a company where I sale non-toxic chemicals that are safer and healther for the enviroment and your family. It is all natural products that you help keep in there homes. If you would to know more about the company I have in my home and all. The website is is where you can get more infomation about the company.

  • hello-

    I am have been home based business for over 8 years. I have great knowledge and can guild you in the right path.

    if your serious and want to change your life for the better and make a nice income. Please email me and i will be very happy to help you and offer my services and email is [email protected]


    jane yeretskiy

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