Is getting a maths tutor worth it?

So im currently on a D in maths, and have made progress under my teacher and there are only 2 of us in the class. But with the exam coming up in June are teacher will give us a work sheet, that we struggle greatly with and then leave the room for 10 minutes come back and tell us if were stuck we should help each other. She even said its better if we look on the internet rather then her explain everything to us. So with a month until the exam would it be beneficial to hire a math tutor?

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? Best Answer

  • Wow, she is a terrible teacher and you should report her to the master of the school, or the school board. A teacher is supposed to TEACH, and she has failed you. She is paid to teach you, do not be afraid to call her out for this! She has failed you as a teacher, and it is holding back your life!

    A math tutor? Depends if he actually TEACHES YOU… In all honesty though, if my teacher fails me and refuses to help/explain things properly, even after i call the teacher out on how poor they are, then i use Youtube videos to help. You can find teachers on there that will explain what you want to know.

  • With just two of you in her class, there is no reason why your teacher couldn’t act the part of a tutor. Even at Oxbridge, tutorials in the colleges tend to be something like 2 to 1. Anyway, if you must have a tutor, be prepared to be asked to pay something like £30 an hour for your tutorials. It is costly, but if you can afford it, this could be a sost-effective short term measure.

  • Probably Get A Strict One, So You Get more into Work. Yeah Its Worth Is, Very Much
    – Do your homework in a Soundless Place.
    -Do Your Homework On The right day, and bring it in on the right day.
    – Concentrate. Dont Put songs on, or the tv, don’t put anything on that will distract you

    Hope This Helped 🙂

  • Yes, it’d be worth it. A lot of my friends had low grades in Maths and they decided to hire themselves one. They told me that hiring a tutor is definitely worth it and that their grades have gotten a lot better than before. 🙂

  • Do you learn better with individual attention?

    Then a math tutor sounds like a good idea.
    However, i would suggest that you pick someone by letting them see where your problem is, so that they have a plan for your particular problem.

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