Is it bad to be Manipulative?

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  • I will say no, not in the least. Are we not in life to get what we want, it is just the price we might have to pay that makes the difference. Various objects designed to be moved or arranged by hand as a means of developing motor skills is no different than influencing or attempting to influence the behavior or emotions of others for ones own purposes. The big difference is personal points of opinion when things don’t work out in their favor, there is always a winner and someone has to loose. We need to learn how to loose, because everybody loves a winner but when you loose, you loose alone. So now we are crossing over into aggression, and you have overt-aggression and covert-aggression, which is another subject. Again, manipulation is not bad.
  • Not necessarily, because you can manipulate things in a constructive way(raise awareness, prevent discrimination, simply by manipulating the perspective), or a destructive way(make yourself better, at the expense of others).

    Basically being manipulative means you’re able to control a situation, and influence the decision-making, and ideas of the group in that situation.

    So it can be good, or bad, it all depends on how you use it.

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