Is it haram to call out non muslim plumber to mosque?

plumber has to be coming to quell foul smell from sub level shitanks at mosque it is unbareable to breath air now but plumber is smoke the ciggarette and play loud music on radio, as he has many tatoo on arms, i am afraid this will offend Allah swt as there is no Muslim plumber in local community where i living

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Just ask them not music or smoke
    – Chosen by Asker
  • We live in a place where there are only 30 muslim families.

    When we have such problem, we people try to fix it up or else we call a non muslim plumber. But I think its wrong to let them in to the prayer hall but its okay with the tank. I hope so.

  • Idiotic question, seriously, this is why a lot of people dislike Muslims.


    Common sense.

  • No wonder Islam gets bad press, it’s because of ignorant people like you posting stupid questions.
    Didn’t the Prophet (rasulallah sallahu alaihi wassalam) say that all people are like the tooth of a comb i.e equal. so what differnce does it make if the plumber is muslim or non muslim? Where in the Quran and/or sunnah does it say a non muslim is not alllowed to enter the mosque? NO WHERE!!!! stop this BS. Call the plumber, get the work done and pay him. Just ask him not to play the music (and I think any human being who would want to carry out this job would respect the rules of the mosque and if he didn’t he probably wouldn’t take the job anyway).
    Did you ever think that calling a non muslim to a mosque would be kind of dawah and hence it will probably please allah and not offend him?

  • Why would it be haram? I’m sure he wont play music or smoke inside its against the law anyway.

  • Yes, you can call him.

  • It doesn’t. Matter, he is there to do his job. Fix it and go, I’m sure he will be respectful. If he isn’t then you can always tell him off to his company that he works for and get your money back.

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