Is it normal for a guy to hit his sister?

My brother tends to get violent and hit me sometimes, and my friends say it isn’t normal. Even though i’m a 19 and he’s 16, he is way bigger than I am. He’s 6’3 and about 210 pounds. I’m 5’5 and 125 pounds. Sometimes he pushes me or kicks me, but it’s not an every day thing. Is this normal?


Well, I tell my parents but they kind of look at it like if he hits me I must have done something to make him angry and they get mad at both of us.


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  • No, its not normal..Maybe he had problems or getting jealous of you.

    Is there any problems at home? or personal problems? Or he got problem in his love life..

    Then insecurities of the attention of you parents. Does he act like that before?

  • My brother tends to hit me too and because he’s too big and strong I cant fight him back. But the difference is that HE is 19 and I’M 16. However, my 14 year old brother also tends to throw some punches at me every once in a while, although I do fight back he’s much more muscular than me anad the only way I can get him to stop is by telling my dad. He’s probabily hitting you since your much smaller than him and thats he’s advantage. It is pretty strange though as he’s 3 years younger than you. You should try speaking to your parents about it, especially if there is a certain male which he fears and tell him to straight himself out. I mean no guy can touch a woman and blah blah. If he hits you continously then yeah thats pretty scary your bro needs a little help. Hope I answered your question. 😀

    Source(s): Years of experience <_<.

  • I don’t think that’s normal! I mean, I know siblings fight, but that was when you were little children! He should have grown out of physically assaulting you by now, and if I were you I would call the police next time he does anything violent towards you. Or in the very least, tell him it is not the right behaviour for a young man to attack a young women, regardless of whether you are brother and sister.


  • Omg, Dont listen to any of the answers, i mean guys? Hello what the hell?

    There siblings.. wow, He doesnt have a brother to fight with and have fun, so hje just hits in a joke way, So what if hes tall? Does that mean he cant get close to his sister? he probably feels lonely, i have siblings, ones 17 and the other is 16, my sis is 16 wen my bro gets mad at her or something he just steals her stuff and runs in his room, my sis would run after them, and then my sis ( while laughing) smacks my brother, my brotther would do the same, and then finally she locks herself in his room and threatens him that she will do something to the computer. they would be laughing their heads off. I think thats completly normal, thats called being Frank,

    Do you want your brother to stay away from you at all times? He would probably never get frank with you, if he hits you just smack him hard across the face, and laugh a lil, just to show that everythings fine, .. i cant believ ur asking this question on yahoo…. hes JUST ur brother….

    Source(s): -_____-

  • No it is not normal, it’s wrong! My brother and nephews are well over 6 feet and very strong, but they NEVER laid a hand on any of us no matter how mad they are. Most of the females are short in my family (I am too). They respect women in general, because my mom raised them all and she does not allow that kind of abuse. He needs to stop because one day he is going to get a girlfriend or wife and if he abuses her, he is going to end up in jail for domestic violence or dead because she got tired of him beating her. Your parents need to stop him now because he is gone too far. You are his sister, and he should be your protector not your tormentor. I hope things get better for you.

  • Kicks you?? That doesn’t seem normal and just because he is tall and a guy doesn’t mean he can hit you. It is wrong to act in a abusive no matter what the relationship is.

  • no, he needs to see a family therapist. I have a brother who is like that….he beats up almost every one in the family and i’m sick of it.

  • no its not normal, he has no right to hit you and if someone doesn’t stop him now he will just think its ok and keep doing it. he is old enough to know right from wrong. and this is wrong.

  • okay. dont call the cops or anything, but buy some pepper spray and spray his *** next time he hits you. it will be funny as hell and he probably wont hit you again

  • It’s called abuse for ANY person to do this to another. Do your parents know about his behaviour or do anything to stop it?

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