Is Kung fu or taekwondo efficient in a self defence situation?


✅ Answers

  • Yes Kung Fu and Taekwondo are good for self defence just like any other martial art, but if you want to learn legit Taekwondo I suggest you do the art and not the sport WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) Don’t worry too much about the art worry more about the instructor.

    Source(s): 2 years of Rhee Taekwondo.

  • I do TKD and my instructor teaches Kung fu as well. I say they both are efficient, but it depends on the person using it.

  • All martial arts are practical in self defense*. Just depends on the instructor, school, and how much effort you put into “combat training”.

    Source(s): Instructor at a self defense priority school.

  • they can be, try not to hit people in the face in a street fight, unless you feel like if you don’t you will get seriously hurt. if you hit a person in the face and they bleed, which is very likely, if they have a contagious disease you could get it if their blood gets into your body, which is possible. say you punch someone and their nose starts bleeding and they tackle you and their blood is going on your face and in your eyes and mouth. You can always run away if theres a serious danger and just call the cops, don’t be afraid to call the cops, and don’t think its stupid to call them either. Cops are there to protect you, if theres something serious, call them. Also, try not to get hit. look up some evasive moves on youtube like slipping punches. But it takes practice to get good at something. I would say the best martial arts to learn for just basic street defense would be wrestling, jiu jitsu, and boxing. With wrestling and jiu jitsu if you get good at them and you get into a street fight, you can grapple the person and absolutely control the fight and difuse the danger. BE SAFE AND DON”T TRY TO HURT THE PERSON, JUST TRY TO STOP THE FIGHT, NOT SERIOUSLY HURT THE PERSON.

  • Just like every other art it really depends on how good the teacher and how good the student is at apply what was taught.

    Source(s): Martial Arts since 1982

  • If you do it right, yes:

    Once, someone grabbed me by the neck and I couldn’t breathe. I elbowed him in the stomach then punched him straight in the nose/jaw. He was knocked-out cold. He had to have cosmetic surgery to reconstruct his face. I actually felt sorry for him.

    Source(s): 1st-Dan black-belt in TKD

  • Both are great for self defense, but the later of the two is more offensive…

  • It is based upon man who learns effectively. Style doesn’t matter.

  • It depends on you and your instructor, how it’s taught to you, and how you use the art.

  • taekwondo

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