Is my advice good if not how can I improve it?

I really like giving advice and am considering it as a career. Here are links to what I think is my best advice on here:






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  • Emily, I think you are amazing at giving advice. I love how you only seem to give your honest opinion as that would be best for giving advice as well as how you present your answers, but as realistic as those examples were i believe that you can help your askers by giving them facts, examples and stories of people with the same struggle, as you did with your first example. the best part of your advice is how genuine you come across (which shows how much you enjoy doing it). and do not be discouraged about a carrier in that you could do it, you could be a writer in collums and even books or a talkshow host.Keep that encouragement coming and you will make PLENTY more people happy!

    Best of luck!

  • Your advice seems fairly immature. You sound pretty young.

    Giving advice isn’t going to be much of a career.

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