Is my pond safe to swim in?

I have about a 2 acre pond that i had a airifyer in it all winter. i felt the water today and it felt pretty warm. I jet ski in it and i was curious to see if it was safe in it. Heres the details:

Its brown, you can see about 1-2 feet from the beach then goes to brown. Sea weed is starting for form around the pond in small groups. I only found 4 dead things in it this year, a raccoon, 2 frogs and one fish. There is a tiny dam that lets out water if it get over flown, but its barly letting any water out.

We usually throw these blue dye packs in the pond to make it look better, they say it treats the pond a little, 3 packs, one to the left, one in the middle, one to the right.

Is it safe to swim in? If not, what will happen? How do i treat it? Thanks.

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  • Those dye packs do not treat the water and actually they’re not safe for swimming. A proper pond with a shallow water biobed zone would actually be cleaner than tap water but it sounds like your pond isn’t well designed. Usually the brown is from the soil itself unless you took efforts to embed a lot of clay or a pond liner into the pond. Look into “Natural Swimming Pools” to see how you should’ve had your pond structured. As you’ve undoubtedly have a poorly designed pond, your best bet would be to add a shallow section to it and establish some form of pump to circulate the water through both, possibly an old fashioned wind pump.

    A well made pond would be crystal clear.

  • Lets think on the bright side maybe if you fall in you could become a superhero

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