Is privacy dead or has it been dead all along?

Governments are practically tapping into and listening in on everything there is to tap into and listen in on; and Google, Facebook, etc. practically own our private information.

Is the only safe place living in the woods like Henry David Thoreau?

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Well, the world has become a cruel place. After the events of the last few decades, the government is doing the only thing it can do to protect it’s citizens…which is to watch their own citizens. If you’re a normal person, who doesn’t do anything illegal, plot any type of plan to harm people, or make any threats, then does it matter if big brother is watching? As for me, worst case, the government may witness me playing air guitar to Led Zeppelin.
  • Do what you want!

  • The laws have not been fast enough to keep up with the technology. Apparently its illegal to tap someones phone you an go to jail for that, or print some (un)truth about some celebrity and then they sue you for Libel.

    But its Ok for Google Et al to sell our addresses on.

  • If you rely on tec, u have no rite to privacy, they didnt take it ! you gave it away. Off grid off grid off grid. Its the only way left, to live in peace


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