is the UK heading for another ice age?…

This is what the sun printed quoting met office chief scientist Julia Slingo.

I’m a bit puzzled (like Ian) I mean how does summer ice melt effect NH winters, because winter arctic ice levels are not much different than average.…


✅ Answers

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  • Ice Age or AGW, it doesn’t matter. As long as the greenies can cause panic they can make money and gain control over your lives.

    Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” And, “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it.”

    “Fear is the most debilitating of all human emotions. A fearful person will do anything, say anything, accept anything, reject anything, if it makes him feel more secure for his own, his family’s or his country’s security and safety, whether it actually accomplishes it or not….”

    “It works like a charm. A fearful people are the easiest to govern. Their freedom and liberty can be taken away, and they can be convinced to believe that it was done for their own good – to give them security. They can be convinced to give up their liberty – voluntarily.”

    —Gene E. Franchini, retired Chief Justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court

    Scare people! It doesn’t matter if it is true or not. Up, down or sideways, it doesn’t matter. Just get people scared and call the ones that don’t deniers, or insane, or stupid, or greedy, or skeptics.

  • The Uk is kept far warmer than it should be by the Thermohaline ocean currents. The melting of the sea ice introduces fresh water to the currents disrupting them. Also the greater expanse of open water in the Arctic during the summer also changes the ocean currents. The winter ice are now more new ice than old, new ice is very different, it’s darker, it’s thinner, it has more salt and it’s less permeable. You can expect more dramatic variations in weather to both extremes in the UK due to global warming.


  • 1) That is not an ice age.

    2) The winter ice extent was at a record low in January. That is not near any average. In fact the chart you cite does not even show any historic average, only recent years. This one compares current extent to the 1979-20 average.

    3. If you actually read the article you linked, you would understand how ice melts affects NH winters. It’s in the article.

  • No never, its impossible, how it will be possible

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