Is there such a thing as a moany narcissist?

I have this colleague at work who really annoys me.

She constantly talks about herself. What do you call this? The thing is she ia always COMPLAINING! So its not narcissism is it? She can literally make any situation about her. We’ll call her Kate.

Examples: she has back problems and everyday we have to hear about how much pain she’s in today. “Oh my back is really killing today” day in day out. Anytime someone comes into our pharmacy with back pains, so goes into a full blown monologue about HER back and the treatment she’s had. Which is fine, using experiences to relate but its everyday she moans about her back. Everytime she needs to go to the doctors we’ll hear about it everyday until she goes and everyday for about a week after!

One of our other colleagues just became an auntie and we were all talking about how cute the baby was… Kate started talking about how difficult the births of her children were which lead to her back problems and how the epidural left her feeling. What started off as a happy conversation turned into a nightmare tale of Kate and her pregnancies.

We all attended a wedding recently and all through the ceremony she kept saying “why do they do that? Thats weird, when I got married blah blah blah” This was a Hindu wedding where as she is English,  of course there would be differences.  She kept talking about her wedding and how she married young.

Someone left our store so for a few weeks we were one person short so Kate was asked to cover saturdays. She accepted but the whole time she was working those Saturdays she kept saying it was “unfair she had to work saturdays in a row.” I’m just so over it now because its only hours on a saturday and it was only those Saturdays in the whole year!! Hardly a back breaker and you’ve still got the whole day left! I work saturdays, every saturday and the way she moans its just like I’m the one who’s forcing her to work with me. It just really degrades me.

What do you can this type of person?

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  • she sounds annoying as hell. but really she seems very insecure. always has to make everything about her because she feels no one really cares. she seems unaware of her ignorance. maybe one day talk to her about her complaining. she does it for attention and sympathy. she might be very sad inside.

  • The manager should be talking to her about this as it negatively affects staff morale.

    Do not reinforce her by replying – change the subject – find ways of imagining a black wall between you so she doesn’t hook into your emotions.

  • Clearly there is this type of person. For you own peace of mind simply ignore her and don’t answer back.

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