Is wearing no makeup good?

I was just wondering if not wearing makeup every day is alright to do. I’m only and just starting out in high school. I do own a couple products-mascara and concealer, along with lip stuff-but that’s about it. Um, anyways, so is it okay for me to not (want) to wear it? Also, what about special occasions? Do boys notice? etc………

Just wonderin’! 🙂 Thanks!

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  • Of course it’s OK! =)

    Who told you otherwise ?

    Anyways , usually when ‘people’ wear makeup everyday they tend to breakout , even though some wear it to cover the marks with makeup the skin gets used to it and it makes it worse or something like that Lol. And guys might notice if they actually pay attention like that [ or to your face in general Lol ) or if you wear A LOT and then you don’t , yeah they will notice. But anyways you do not HAVE to wear it everyday =)

    Edit: Oh yeah you can wear them for special occasions only if YOU feel like YOU want to =) ; natural beauty is true beauty [ to me anyways Lol )

  • In high school it is perfectly fine, probably preferable, to not wear any makeup.

    Maybe for special occasions you could do something fun like wear lipstick or gloss and mascara, nothing too fancy.

    If you want to wear makeup later, I’d stick with just tinted moisturizer, blush and mascara. Heavy foundation and heavy eyeliner are NOT attractive; many high school girls make this mistake.

    Boys don’t care. A boy would rather have a pretty girl with no makeup then a so-so girl with tons of makeup any day.

  • Wearing no make up is perfectly fine! But I recommend you protect your skin if you’re not going to. Moisturizer and/or sunscreen should do the trick.

    And you’re lucky to be able to go without.

    And special occasions? I guess makeup is okay for that, but the only reason to wear it is to cover what you don’t like and accentuate what you do. If you feel perfectly comfortable in your own skin, good for you. Makeup isn’t necessary.

  • It is okay for you not to want to wear it. Most boys do not seem to notice a difference between wearing makeup and not wearing makeup (unless you put too much on and look like a raccoon). They do not seem to care, so long as you think you look good. It would probably better for your skin to not wear make-up because it can cause breakout of zits or sties in your eye.

    Source(s): Do not wear make up except for special occasions (didn’t even wear make-up for prom).

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  • That’s more than good,

    that’s called “self-confidence”, right there. C:

    I pretty much wear it for special occasions only, since it takes up a lot of time to apply makeup, and makeup is pretty expensive.

  • Wearing no make up totally helps ur skin!!!!! It’s really good for it, and helps with unclogging pores [which causes acne] and so i’d recommend doing it

    it tends to work really well for ladies with dark eyelashes, and if that’s the case, no, boys dont

    most of them wont anywayys… only the creepy ones 😛

  • that’s perfectly fine and anyone who told you otherwise well they’re crazy.

    make-up is supposed to accentuate your features you SHOULDN’T feel like you NEED to wear it.

    as for special occasions, it’s up to you.

    if you want to go without then so be it!

    natural beauty is far more preferable to boys than a cake-face.

  • yu should never wear make up gurlz lookk better without it maybe some lip gloss or that thing yu put on top of ur eyes iss okay but lipstick iss over doin it juss go natural it lookks better.

  • Eh, I mean my guy friends say that they always notice when a girl is wearing makeup and when she’s trying. But if you can go without makeup, then I commend you.

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  • wearing no make- up is totally fine! being natural is more pretty then wearing a fake face!

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