Maths question: writing numbers as powers of 2, 8etc?

a) write 1/16 as a power of 2

b) write 2 as a power of 8

c) Rationalise the denominatore of (a+√a) / (√a)
Simplify the answer as much as possible

please show your working as I am completely stuck! 🙁 thanks

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? Best Answer

  • a)1/16 = 1/2^4 = 2^(-4)

    b) a^8 = 2

    Multiply powers on both sides by 1/8

    a = 2^(1/8)

    2 as a power of 8 = 2^(-8)

    If you meant to write 8 as a power of 2, it equals 2^3

    a + √a…..√a

    a√a + a

    √a + 1

  • I think (b) should be 8^(1/3)

    (2 is the third root of 8)

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