My 2.5 year old screams for two hrs before bed!!!?

He just started doing this two days ago. He was a great sleeper. Go to bed no fuss, play in his crib with his stuffies and watching his aquarium till he fell asleep. Two days ago he started histarically crying when I put him to bed. Like crying as if I’m doing the worst thing possible to him. He’ll scream and cry calling mommy for 2 hrs!! From 7-9! I go in, reasure him he’s ok. I’d give him some warm milk in a sippy, read him another bedtime story. It doesn’t help! He has two nightlights in his room. He has his aquarium that attaches to his bed and a glow toy that changes color on his dresser. Idk why he’s doing this, but its exhausting and he keeps my 6 month old girl up those two hrs he’s screaming. He gives me every excuse to get out of bed. He’s thirsty, wash his hands, brush hus teeth etc. He had the same bedtime routine since he’s been born. Dinner, bath, brush teeth, story, song and bed, I use the bedtime shampoo and lotions.

What can I do? I feel bad for him, but I’m also getting a little frustrated.

Some helpful tips would be great! Thank you!


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  • Ask him why he is doing this at night.

    Also you may well be over stimulating him.

  • did anything change right before all of this? did he get a cold or have a really bad nightmare? low grade ear infections, brought on or covered by a cold, can get worse when you lay down. and well having a few bad nightmares would make any child too scared to want to sleep.

    he is probably old enough to tell you why he is screaming. at least to tell you if he is in pain or is scared. young children might not have the words to explain well what is going on but it should always be tried if guessing isn’t working.

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