My 2 year old boy does not talk.?

My son who will be 2 next month does not speak. He is very happy, gives hugs, laughs, shows off for people and interacts just fine with other kids. He grunts at things that he wants and nods or shakes if he wants or doesn’t want something. He pulls us in the direction for things he wants but does NOT say anything. No “mama” “no” etc.

He will repeat animal sounds if we ask him and follows most directions when asks.

He has had his hearing tested and we were told it’s fine. We have attended speech sessions where he picked up “signs” immediately. We were told he is NOT autistic.

Why isn’t he talking?????


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  • My son just turned 2 a few months ago and said very little, mostly grunts and yelling, up till this point but you could tell he understood most things, I had him completely checked out and they said he is fine just not wanting to talk yet. That if he doesn’t talk by 3 they would try therapy. In the past few weeks though, I’ve caught him saying about 9 different words, not all the time just every now and then when he wants to or when he thinks we aren’t around (and not one of which is mama!!) . Its extremely frustrating since my daughter was using complete sentences by this age so I definitely know how you feel. I would just give it time, encourage him, do alot of repeating words etc.. and he should come around in his own time, just call it and extreme case of stubbornness. Hope this helps 🙂

  • Sounds as though you just have to start being a bit mean to him. I hated doing this to our daughter but once she got the hang of it (which was very quickly) she understood and wouldn’t get too frustrated. She was and still is behind in her language development but it’s helped show some really great improvements.

    What you need to do is stop responding to his non-verbal requests for things. Not everything at once, but you need to pick something. One of our first activities was playing ball with our daughter. We’d hold the ball over our heads as if we were about to throw it but would not throw it until she said “ball” (or “ba” is fine). Every time they point and whine or cry you just keep clearly saying “ball”. The first time we did this it was 10 minutes of frustration but suddenly she got it. It took only 2-3 attempts the second time, and then she knew from then on in she had to say “ball” to get the ball.

    Other similar things to do is to put a toy out of reach but within view (like on the counter or on a shelf) and do the same – keep demonstrating what you want them to say until they say it. Once they say it you can give it to them. Same thing around snack time – instead of realizing it was around snack time and automatically getting some juice and snack for her we had to start playing dumb to make her ask. (Obviously we didn’t let her go too long when it involves food or drink, but we had to at least demonstrate it 2-3 times and try each time).

    If you’re using signs, then use the sign and say the word at the same time.

    It can be a frustrating experience to have to do this sort of activity, but so long as you child can get away with using non-verbal gestures to get what they want they don’t have to start learning language. Some will still learn language regardless but others need a good push.

    Developmentally he does sound fine otherwise.

  • Kids develop differently and your son may just need more interaction and stimulation so that he will learn more words. I had a nephew who also didn’t speak words until he was around three years old. His parents attributed it to watching too much cartoons that only mimed instead of talking. His favorite was a cartoon character that did all sorts of things but had no language. He imitated how the character communicated. They had to make time in interacting and talking with him so that he can learn more words. In time he was able to catch up.

    Keep talking to your child so that you can support his development. Not all kids are the same. I wish you the best.

  • I am going through the exact same thing with my son now we have just seen the doctor the other day and said to use flash card I have two other children which are in kindy and yr 1 so when I do the flash card with them he gets really excited and has just started trying to say the words it has been great for him and he enjoys doing it because he loves to look at the pictures I hope he starts talking soon Good luck

    Source(s): single mother of three

  • It sounds like he is doing fine, and that you are taking the correct steps in having him checked out for things like autism. I would just say keep up with the sign language and keep encouraging. Some kids (boys especially) just take longer to get verbal. For yourself, stop worrying. If this is your first child especially there is a tendency to take every little difference as a problem with your parenting. Try and relax and enjoy your little guy for the miracle he really is.

  • My son is 4 now, and he didn’t talk at 2 either. His talking didn’t really take off until 3 to 3-1/2.

    There can be so many variables that say nothing about your child. One day it’s all going to click together in his brain and he’ll take off…and you will be amazed how much he talks. My son told me a story today and I clocked him at talking non-stop for 33 minutes! so…enjoy the will soon pass 🙂

  • Has the preschool no longer reported something to you? Is he rather conversing in toddler language or is his speech in basic terms doubtful? My son had a speech delay (in basic terms reported approximately 5 words whilst he grow to be in basic terms approximately 2 a million/2). We have been given him into early interventions and he started conversing presently after beginning speech therapy. a sparkling problem stepped forward inspite of the undeniable fact that. His articulation grow to be fairly doubtful. He grow to be asserting words, yet maximum folk could no longer understand him. I in basic terms understood him via fact i grow to be around him all day. he’s now in basic terms approximately 5 and been in speech for a at the same time as, so maximum folk understand him now. He nevertheless has issues, yet besides. long tale short, early interventions is a loose government software which will attempt your son for any developmental delays. you will ought to do it throughout the time of the college considering the fact that he’s older, inspite of the incontrovertible fact that that is nevertheless loose. additionally they grant loose centers if he has a delay or problem. you could lookup your state’s early interventions on the information superhighway. Edited to characteristic: I even have been given instructed lots that perchance I wasn’t chatting with him adequate. Little did they understand that it grow to be in basic terms me and him different the time, so I talked to him all of the time from the time he grow to be born on up, I examine to him, we performed video games, I taught him sign language. He in basic terms would not talk.

  • Because YOU have allowed him to be this way. STOP allowing him to grunt, nod or shake when he wants things. Force him to ask for things plainly and clearly or he does not get what he wants.

    You should also buy flash cards for him; alphabet letters, number, shapes and colors. Work with him daily on these and make sure he says every one of them plainly and clearly.

  • you are making it too easy on him to not talk. my son didn’t talk either very happy that his older sibling got him everything he wanted by pointing. make him say cookie or please or whatever the word u want him to say it will take a few tries. when my son (a perfectionist now) finally started talking he said complete correct sentences. have patience if u feel something is really wrong take him to the doc. if he is just being lazy u have to push him harder.

  • I think you should talk to him more often, try to include him in conversations..even if it has nothing to do with him, he shoulnt feel ignored during adult conversations. (I learned it on some book)

    all the kids in my family at the age of 2 already speaks fluently, I think its because we are a large family

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