My 2 year old is getting curious about where babies comes from?

I wanted to tell him that babies comes from a stork, like my mum used to say, it sounds more innocent and cute!

My little boy found a pregnancy book, and i caught him looking at it page by page, he looked very intrigued, then he asked me: what that mama?, it was a picture of a pregnant lady, he keeps asking me about this lady… should I just tell him the truth of where babies comes from? I dont wanna spoil anything..


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  • What are you spoiling by telling him the truth? At least part of it anyway. I told my kids that God put the baby in Mommy’s belly and the Dr will get him out when it is time. It does not matter much what you tell a 2 year old, he will probably forget anyway. But he is too young to understand the technical stuff right now.

  • Tell him that babies grow in a special part of a woman’s body, not in the stomach, but nearby. As the baby grows bigger the woman’s body grows bigger as well (hence the bulge). When the baby is the right size the woman gives birth and the baby comes out of the woman and starts to grow into a child just like you.

    Keep it true and simple. Try to avoid confusion like “the baby is in her stomach”.

  • in my opinion i wouldn’t lie to him

    my aunt told my older cousin that babies came from the stalk, so he had a heart attack when i was 5 (he was 8 at the time) and i told him where they really came from. not all the details of course.

    you can get books on birth and pregnancy designed for young children. which is what my mum did for me when i was about 3 and she was pregnant with my sister when i asked

  • My personal opinion is that it is silly and irresponsible not to teach your kid about this stuff when they ask.

    When I was young, it was enough for my mom to say “When a man and woman get married and sleep together they create a baby.” I didn’t ask any technical details. Of course I thought “sleeping together” meant just going to bed and snoozing arm-in-arm but when I was 5 they went more into detail (which was a bit of a gross-out for me at that age!).

    Source(s): Life experience

  • the stories that children are cute..yes…but i have an inner struggle with my self about lying to my daughter (3 1/2 year old). i worry about distrust later in life as she finds out that the stories that her “mother, the person who is suppose to be her closest friend” had been lying to her for years.. my daughter like to learn about everything as well. i like to watch the tv programs about women having babies and my daughter sits and watches them with me… she doesn’t see anything inappropriate but she knows that mommies carrie babies in there bellies and she pretends sometimes and it very cute. now i hope i don’t have to explain the birds and the bees to her any time soon but if she asks me im not going to lie to her. trust is a huge thing with me and i believe if you are aways honest with your child ( at evey age) they will be with you.

    Source(s): mother

  • im in same position as you right now i have a two year old and im also 3 months pregnant for a start theres no way i would have told him about sex and all that!! i told him me and daddy went to the doctors for a seed (tablet) and once the baby has grow me and daddy will go and the doctor will take the baby out. straight and simple and my 7 year old neice still thinks it true they will learn all this at school explain this when they start recieving sex education classes. there is a reason for the age of sex education in schools.

  • Be honest an open, or say nothing obviously you do not have to go into graphic details. This will begin to set the stage for a lifetime of open communication later on.

  • Just tell him that babies come from mommy’s tummies. If he asks how they got there, say that daddy’s use a special tool to put the baby inside of mommy’s.


  • I would tell him but don’t go in to graphic detail. If hes 2 he will probably forget about it in a few weeks any way

  • My son in law Vladimir know not of baby. He say ‘when we buy baby from market?’. I say no. No baby come from market. Eurshla think baby come from ‘saxs’. Eurshla wrong. Baby come from dog’s bladder. Eurshla no send baby in to the navy. I say ‘Eurshla, no man want to marry you’. She say ‘ I shall not marry a man, I shall be independent. Like Beyonce’ She wrong. Eurshla no find dog’s bladder. Never.

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