My 2 year old son is …?

really attached to me…we just moved to austin,tx from minneapolis,mn not even a week ago and i can even go in the other room without him freaking out…he cries “mommy mommy”! I don’t know what to do. I am a stay at home mother & I am out of ideas.


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  • Awww, poor kid is out of his element. Toddlers have such little control of the world around them, never mind having that entire world change. Just give him time, it’s only been a week. Let him know you’re there for him, maybe try picking out some fun thing to decorate his new room with and making a big deal about it, bring him around the neighborhood to familiarize him with it, local parks etc. If he needs some extra cuddles, give him some. He’ll get comfortable in his new surroundings soon enough.

  • Moving is a huge change for a toddler.With my experience from working at a a daycare, the kids who had a hard time being without mommy or daddy just needed time to get used to playing on their own.It takes time, but sometimes you just have to let them cry (as hard as it is).Try taking them out to be around other kids as well, sometimes seeing other kids and interacting with them can make a big difference.

  • My son’s 2 also. It’s something with little boys and their ‘mommies’. He goes in and out of this phase, I’m a stay at home mom, too. I get frustrated, trying to get things done. It helps me to give my son some”work” I let him help fold clothes(into a ball),etc. The key is to not let it stress you out, it’ll probably pass and come back a hundred times, and before you know it, he’ll be coming around only for money and car keys! Enjoy it,but giving my son little’tasks”helps.

    Source(s): Mother with a 27lb. ankleweight

  • He is probably acting this way because of the move. It sounds like everything doesn’t seem familiar to him anymore. Everything he’s always known has changed. He may be afraid that you will be gone next or maybe you’re the only familiar thing around and he’s clinging to that. Just make sure he has lots of familiar clothes and toys around and let him know that you will always be there for him. He’ll adjust to the change eventually.

    Source(s): Mommy of 2 & 1 on the way

  • That is a big change for such a little guy that was just getting comfortable in his old home. You should comfort him. I understand that it’s frustrating, but it’s what your son needs. Also, try going to play groups, or the park, and maybe he will gain some independence by playing with our children his age. Good luck!


  • Aaaw. It sounds like he has seperation anxiety, which is common at that age. The move and changes in his life probably triggered it. He is nervous and scared so just be there for him, it will pass. It is alot for him to be going through and im sure you have been stressed also which he feeds off. try and get into a routine, and make him as comfortable as possible. …its a phase and does pass. My niece went through it, at 2 when they moved to a new home.

  • Love him and comfort him and show him you will always be there. Its a change and kids need the stability. Once he is more comfortable in his surroundings he will open up. Just enjoy the attachment cause soon he will want to be a big boy and you will miss all the times he wanted to cling to you

    Source(s): mom of 3

  • bring him to a mommy and me group. that way he can see other kids playing and interacting with other kids and adults (the teachers of the class) and yet, mom is allowed to stay in the playgroup, so you don’t have to worry about the separation anxiety stuff, and slowly he’ll learn to be independent from you, and more dependent on himself.

    good luck .

    Source(s): I’m a mom with a two yr. old who is also clingy to me, and screams for me every time I leave the room he’s in. the mommy and me group I just started with him is really helping him gain his independence from me,

  • My daughter is 2 1/2 and she dose it anyway. But what you little man is probally going thru is afraid that your going to leave him, afraid because of the move and the new changes in his life.

    Just comfort him, he;ll grow out of it!

    He’s just trying to tell you that he loves you!

  • You probably need to go to Edinborough Park in Edina.

    As for the clingyness, I think its probably a phase with the new move. Thats huge for a kid.

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