my 3 year old son is normally well behaved but in the last month or so he just doesnt listen!!?

i have tried everything….any suggestions?


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  • It happens.

    Stick with consistent and immediate consequences for actions. Timeouts, toy removal etc.

    Make him look at you when you’re telling him what the deal it.

    He will cotton on pretty quick.

  • He is three years old. They’re not supposed to listen. They don’t think like adults. What you told him 5 minutes ago is forgotten and you’re going to have to repeat yourself ten times a day. I suggest patience on your part and realizing that this is a small child, not an adult. There are so many things in a day for him to see, hear and learn and his little brain is trying to assimilate it all.

    Try this, put on a pair of headphones with heavy metal music. Then turn on the television at a high volume, grab a newspaper and a book as well. Then have a friend come over to hold a serious conversation and see how well you do all of these tasks. That is pretty much what is going on in this little guy’s head.

  • My son is like this too! He is 3 also. He just turned 3 on monday. But, he usually listens as well, but lately he is going through this stage where he completely ifgnores me. I think he is just testing me. And I dont usually spank him unless he is doing something dangerous like running out into the street, putting his finer in a socket etc. So he knows more than likely he wont get spanked so this gives him more power in knowing that he wont get spanked. I dont know if I should start spanking him for bad behavior or what. But, I’ve noticed that my son has been acting up a lot when I am busy with something else. So maybe he just wants to attention.

  • I think the terrible two’s don’t acutally start untill there 3. I have a 3 yr old boy and just the last few weeks he has been acting crazy…

  • To Train up a Child by Michael and Debi Pearl

    you can google it and read the first chapter online

    Source(s): mom of 2 love the book

  • first i would like to say that child development from age 3- 7 is an emotional roller coaster. it is completely normal.

    here are a few suggestions:

    When talking to him get down to his level

    Give a kid reason for everything you ask him to do( try a reward board. For everything he does right put na sticker on a chart

  • My son is two a million/2 and is quite exceedingly sturdy quite speaking yet children boys or females are specially if no longer continually going to concepts the male be sure contained in the homestead its basically the authority that they appreciate yet you need to no longer tolerate your baby to throw suits. you may actually have his dad refer to him about it and enable him recognize its no longer commonly used for a boy to consult/act like that his mom. The adults opt to be on one accord that can help besides. sturdy luck

  • Sounds like normal toddler behaviour to me, remove toys or give him a few minutes time out but you have to remember he is male and none of them listen to a word you say.

  • Get the book “1,2,3 Magic” and use it.

    It is like magic if you just follow the directions.

    Be consistent. This is his way of learning how to make his own decisions.

    Source(s): Personal experience.

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