My bf (Rattail here on YA) and I just started our biz.. a ps2 arcade and a net cafe in Manila?

what can you share as tips to make sure this will be a success? thanks in advance! 😀


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  • With the talant you possess, you will surely succeed. Stay on course and be persistant. I’ll be behind you 1%.

    Murali D: Now that is great advice that Jane can really use.

  • I hope you have someone who’s really good in IT so that he can set up a time keeping system for all of your computers and PS2’s. Also, make sure you also have someone who’s up to date with the current trend in multiplayer gaming in the Phils (DotA versions, RF, Ran, etc.) and PS2 games.

    Try not to buy PS2 units that would exceed the average daily capacity of your market. Start with a few units, then if you see that there is a growing market, buy additional units.

    Try to have a sort of “Club” or membership that would offer discounts or lower rates for frequent users and gamers. Specially those who compete locally in different network games. They might even name their team after your shop. Additional advertising!

    Try to offer a few snacks so that the people wont get hungry or thirsty. Maybe put up a lounge somewhere where people can sit and talk and have snacks while their other friends occupy the computers.

    BTW, kenotbgood1968, it’s 1701 islands. There’s a difference to how many islands when it’s high tide and when it’s low tide. i just forgot the exact numbers.

    Where in Manila? I’d like to visit as a customer. =))

  • Good luck Bazooka Jane, I love private enterprise I wish you all the success and that you will have as many cafe’s as McDonalds have burger joints.

    Reach for the sky set yourself goals and always achieve them within your set space of time and you will succeed.

    Keep an eye on what people like the most, Like Richard Branson started by selling records on londons Oxford sreet if the kids come in to hang out and play the games, you could start even selling some of the popular ones , then selling the consoles and just build from there .

    next thing you know you’ve got an electronics emporium that just evolved,

    I trust you have a good location with a busy passing trade.

    let me know how it goes. GO FOR IT Ratty and bazooka!!!

  • Open the netcafe at regular hours. But remeber that it is a 24-hour business, owing to the Time Difference in different parts of the World.

    Always be kind and courteous to all customers. Always sport a smile.

    Make sure u r always on hand to help the customers.

    Always remeber that the Customer is the King. He isnot dependent on u. U r dependent on hom, for ur business.

    Be prepared to give small discounts, to woo the customers to ur place. offer attractive schemes for regulars.

    Be prepared to stay back, extending ur working hours to keep the Cafe open beyond normal hours, for the wee customer who may want to net in late hours.

    Respect the privacy of each customer. always.

    Source(s): Best of Luck.

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  • Congratulations, that’s wonderful!!

    I don’t know too much about business in your part of the world but like with any small business keep the patrons happy. Run a friendly, clean and safe establishment. Get customer feedback and listen. Find out their likes and dislikes about your new business.

    Best wishes of prosperity and long term success!!


  • patience== it usually takes a years work to be able to see your investments turn over & start making a profit.

    location===be where everyone has access to you & hours they can come

    fees======don’t pay, don’t stay. Take no credit.

    advertising=It pays. Publicity, word of mouth , each person will tell another person either negative or positive.

    pleasantness==a nice clean comfortable enviroment with courteous service.

    I’m sure you will do very well!!

    Source(s): God Bless & you & RatTail.

  • Congratulations on your new business venture… If you’re using the slim type PS2, I suggest you purchase the optional exhaust fan to keep it running longer… It will shut-down if too much heats build-up… Lastly, keep your game disc clean at all times… This will ensure that the lens will not be overworked… Hey, need games?… I have plenty & it’s free!.. Just tell me…

  • Wow that is great to hear. Just take it slow at first and don’t over extend yourself and you’ll do just fine in the business world.Good luck.

  • Sorry, all my business ventures went belly-up… Hamster ranch, ant farm, CBOLAR, my death match cage match promoting biz, they all went in the toilet. The only thing I can advise is, spend more than $13.57 on advertising and promotions.

    Source(s): Good luck you two!

  • Good luck. Running your own business is hard work and risky. But if it works, the payout could be huge.

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