My son is 3 years doctor put him on adderall xr 5mg for his adhd?

Should i start him on this medication or not. Ive been to counseling and told me that he does need meds for his problem. But isnt he to small? Please help anyone on the same page as me


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  • GET another opinion. It is very rare that a child that young would be diagnosed. Are you in counseling. or is your child in counseling?

  • I was in the same situation as you. I knew when my son was learning to walk he had adhd. Just something about him was diffenrent. He never grew out of the non-stop energy & constantly hurting himself from falling or jumping around. His preschool begged me from the age of 3 for me to put him on it. I talked to the doctor numerous times about it, but he said he was too young and would possibly grow out of it. I personally deep down felt he wouldn’t. He’s the damn energizer bunny. Finally at 5 he put him on Metadate CD 10mg which is a time release. Adderall xr 5mg is time released as well. Your son will be getting very little of the medication throughout the day probably more like 2mg at one time. I don’t know if you will notice a difference, but then again, if he is that wild you just might. Make sure he eats plenty. The meds tend to ruin the appetite.

  • I would never put my child on drugs. How could he possibly be diagnosed with ADHD when he’s still a baby? Daycare providers, teacher, and parents are very busy these days and they want to have their children under control. Well, children don’t always work like that. A 3 year old not sitting still is normal. Anyway, I don’t know what symptoms your child has but as a person with a dollop of common sense, it is absolutely ridiculous to be giving a 3 year old drugs. It’s almost criminal.

  • No! For a dx of ADHD, a child should be school age. Symptoms that suggests ADHD in a school aged child would be considered normal behavior in a 3 year old.

    You need a new doctor.

  • Yes it will help drastically! I have a 6 year old sister with adhd who was put on 20mg of adderall and she’s focussing much better and overall happier because she doesn’t feel odd about getting distracted anymore.

    Source(s): Experience

  • He’s to small he needs to be at least 5

  • Agreed. I wholeheartedly think ADHD was just invented so parents don’t have to deal with unruly children.

  • He is wayy too small, I can’t beleive any doctor would prescribe that!. At any age adderall or rittalin is like legal speed. At his age that’ll f**** his head up so much find another doctor !!!!!!!

  • He’s freaking 3 years old. He doesn’t have ADHD, he’s just acting like a kid. It’s stupid what diseases they come up with today

  • in my personal experience that is way too young . . . check out for more info and doctor referrals.

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