My son is 5 yrs old and uncircumcised?

well I took him to the Dr because he was complaining that it would burn when he peed so his urine came out fine but the Dr wanted to see his penis to exam it and said that she would need to pull back the skin from the head of the penis she did and he wasn’t that much in pain until we came home she said to keep pulling it back and putting Vaseline on it but he won’t let me touch it cuz the pain is so excruciating…what would happen if we never pulled the skin back again? he’s been peeing and pulling it back as far as he can until it starts to hurt but there is no ballooning I was wanting to know if there could be any damage if we just left it ??? please help


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  • His foreskin should never had been retracted. 🙁 Burning with urination is a classic sign of a UTI. The typical way to diagnose this is to get a urine sample (pee in a cup, basically), and send it off to a lab. Then they may start him on antibiotics. His foreskin has nothing to do with this.

    The foreskin is fused to the penis at birth, and over the years it gradually loosens. Some boys’ foreskins don’t retract fully until adolescence. He isnt too young for this process to begin, but it sounds like his wasn’t ready to retract yet. My son’s foreskin retracted spontaneously for the first time when he was 5, but he is 11 now and still doesn’t like to retract it to clean it. He has never had problems, and we know from other intact men in our family (personal experiences, what runs in the family) that he may not fully retract until he is a teen.

    Since his foreskin was forcibly retracted, there is a possibility that it may develop adhesions if it tries to reattach. You are still better off not touching it now. The only person who should be handling your son’s penis is your son.

    About the possible UTI which seems to have been ignored, see a different doctor for appropriate treatment.


  • Unfortunately I agree that the doctor should have left it alone and not retracted it…. This should only be done by the child when and how much they can with knowing what it feels like and stopping if its uncomfortable…

    My husband had burning when he was peeing years ago… He’s not circumsized either… So they tested him for every std, uti and bacterial in the urethra… Everything came back negative… It continued so they took blood… Turns out he had a prostate infection… We both had never heard of that!!!!! So he started antibiotics and it was all better in a few days…

    As a child, I believe 7 his doctor forcibly pulled back his foreskin before it was ready as well and he still remembers the pain to this day… As an adult he has had some issues with the foreskin not wanting to retract and almost forming like a scar tissue type ring around it… The first thing a snip happy doc said was that he needed to be circumsized so we got a second opinion… He now uses a hydrocortisone cream daily to keep the skin “happy”… It’s made a huge difference but he does have to keep up with it… I get the generic target hydrocortisone with aloe Vera and he likes that one…

    I hope he feels better soon!!!

    Source(s): Mother of 2 boys and wife

  • Look it may take quite some time for it to pull it all the way back without it hurting or feeling discomfort. The best thing is to keep at it and he will be fine, it is leaving it is where the problem lies as it could cause problems when it comes to relationships when he is an young adult.

    Edit: I once heard that a warm bath is a good idea as the skin softens enough for it to be pulled back without to much discomfort, I guess he would need to be in there for a little while for the skin to soften enough though.

    Source(s): I am uncercumcised and have never once had a problem pulling the skin back as I have had a loose foreskin right from a toddler.

  • I am a foster dad of two boys, same problem even as they grew older. i found out later in life when they were about 11 or so when i talked to them that i was very painful when they became erect. i took them to the doctor and come to find out that because they were not pulling the skin back to wash it and keep it clean that the skin had fused to the head of the penis and now had to be surgically removed for normal growth. i was unaware this could happen but it does. my step father who was also uncircumcised had to have the same surgery for the same problem. washing and normal hygiene is very important from about 5 years on. this is from many doctors i have spoken with. follow your doctors advice im sure she knows what she is talking about as many medical professionals will tell you the same. good luck

    Source(s): esxpeireince.

  • he’ll have pain later on as a kid and adult probably. It needs to be stretched now cos it’s more flexible as a kid. There should be some special cremes that help, maybe ask the doc about this rather than just vaseline.


  • STOP retracting the foreskin, and leave it alone.

    Also, I think you need to get a second opinion on this. Your son may have an infection, better safe than sorry.

  • It sounds like he has a UTI.

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