Natural ways to bleach hair?

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  • There’s no way to naturally bleach hair. If you want to go from a dark color to a blonde you have to use bleach and peroxide. Theres no way around it. Though if you want to lighten a shade or two naturally here are a few things you can do.

    . Lighten hair using lemon juice.

    What you do here is you pour a quarter to a half a cup of lemon juice directly on the hair (clean and wet) and then sitting in the sun. Other recommendations I’ve seen include diluting the lemon juice with water, rinsing and/or conditioning your hair afterwards, and using the hair dryer to activate the lemon if the warm sun isn’t available.

    .Chamomile Tea

    It can be applied directly for lightening, or can be added to shampoo or conditioner for a gradual lightening. Here’s a website with instructions :…


    It’s a slightly more complicated process, and is not used with heat, like lemon, cinnamon can be used with honey to help the lightening process. Here’s a website with information on that too :–…

    Source(s): When my hair was my natual color (light brown) i used many of these methods to get it too a golden color there actually really effective. Just remember to deep condition to keep hair nice and healthy looking.

  • Putting lemon juice on your hair is considered a natural way to dye your hair blonde, and sitting in the sun helps lighten it some.

  • Lemon juice is a natural “bleach”.

  • Baking soda, honey and hydrogen peroxide

  • Teens in Japan dye their hair red & green like tomatoes.…

    The link tells you HOW.

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