odd question: is it harmful to get your snake high?

I have some friends who smoke ALOT and mostly at their house and since the snake is always “chillin” with them lol (she’s very friendly :p) they’re always blowing smoke at her and so she gets stoned like everyday!! you can tell because of the way she gets relaxed and even though she’s already really docile she gets kinda slow and dazed…

is this harmful in any way at all?… THC?


oh okay thanx, i’ll tell them but its not mine so I don’t know if they’ll listen to me… lol

Update 2:

@ dutch950: aww poor Yorkie… that’s so mean!! I had a roomate once and she let one of her friends get my kitten stoned and it started walking sideways!! I got mad at her… lol

Update 3:

@Nausicaa: very true…

Update 4:

@Sebastien R: yea weed

Update 5:

lol Matthew & Mazzy you guys crack me up LOL


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? Favorite Answer

  • Snakes do not have the same pleasure receptors us humans have, nor is their brain developed like ours to allow them to enjoy something like that. Aside from any possible health risks, it is extremely stressful. Many animals by instinct are programmed that smoke is a bad thing, often a sign of a forest fire destroying their home. There is no benefit to blowing smoke in the snake’s face and is actually rather immature. A responsible stoner wouldn’t force animals to smoke.

  • No matter what kind of snake it really is and no matter who will harm who it is not a good idea to have snakes loose in the house. Round them up and move them out. Read up on snake handling first or get an exterminator to remove them. If you want to keep one or more as pets get a large cage.

  • I used to live with a guy that smoked all of the time and he would get his Yorkie high as hell. The dog must have had some sort of long term damage because it just got dumber and dumber. Don’t know if this translates with snakes but you gotta figure smoking kills brain cells and I’m pretty sure that snakes don’t have that many to begin with. It’s gotta be pretty funny to watch though.

  • ha ha im with Mazzy, does the snake demand to go to the 7/11 for some mice.

  • Yes

  • I’m not too sure . I guess it affects snakes just as much as it affects humans , but it’s better to keep the snake away from the smoke as much as possible 🙂

  • I wouldn’t smoke around any animal. Good luck trying to convince your friends, it’s really not safe for their snake at all.

  • It depends what your smokin but marijuana can kill reptiles… I think it’s wrong and it’s harsh on the snake, but when your mates are smoking just take the snake to a different room were it won’t be affected; just to be on the safe side. You never know…

    Source(s): http://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=2…

  • hehehe!! Does it share in the munchies as well? Maybe nibble on some skittles? That would be a very funny sight seeing a snake chillin’!

    In all seriousness, I would imagine its killing its little lungs…not a good thing.

    LMAO answer above me!

  • Im sure its just as unhealthy as humans to smoke soo if its ok for ur friends to smoke its just as ok for the snake to get high

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