okk soo someone wanna tell me wut getting ur tongue pierced feels like?

i wanna get my tongue peirced some people says it hurts and some people says it dont… i herd tht it dont hurt wen u get it done but then after a day it starts to!! im rlly scared to do it. i got my nose pierced and it hurt like a ***** i was crying lol no liee… so yeah somone plz tell me wut its like.

✅ Answers

  • I didn’t think my tongue hurt at all. But if you cried getting your nose pierced, you might think different.

    It’s going to swell up a little but it shouldn’t last longer than weeks. You can still eat whatever you want but you’ll need to be careful chewing. The bar is going to be a little long to allow room for swelling, so if you bite down on the bar, it’s not going to feel good. You can smoke and drink too, whatever. You just need to use an alcohol free mouthwash anytime you put anything in your mouth that isn’t ice water.

  • Just got it done days ago. Initial piercing–No pain what-so-ever! Afterwards, a lil sore. Next day–tenderness+swelling bad! Day –a lil less tender, but still swollen. . . I have a lisp lol. I’ve been eating fine. My nose hurt times worse then the tongue did. I didn’t even know he had pierced it till he said all done! It was totally worth it!

  • i have my nose and my tongue and belly and lip and ears.

    so.. i know and can explain.

    The nose was a pinch and made my eye water, my belly button hurt and my lip didnt hurt.

    Tongue is more pressure and not really any pinches. The clamps put alot of pressure on your tongue then once they pierce it you just feel a little more pressure. The next day its swollen and hard to eat. Its just sore after not painful you’ll want to invest in soup..not chunky soup. Dont be scared its quick!!!!

  • i have tongue piercings. snake eyes and the regular one. the snake eyes hurt only when the piercing came out the other end of the tip. the regular one didn’t hurt at all. you just feel the needle going through then its out and over. i didn’t swell a lot but everyone’s different.

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  • I can’t really say because i haven’t done it and pain threshold is different for everyone, but I’d imagine it’s rather like someone is stabbing a metal rod through your tongue. and if nose hurt, i’m guessing your pain threshold is low and tongue will hurt too, especially since it’s a muscle.

  • i have my nose pierced and tongue and belly button ! well it doesnt hurt if you get it professionally done! just a little pinch when they pierce your tongue but its quick! after that it hurts and you cant eat for a week just drink liquids or eat wheat bread and it gets swollen for days but its all worth it

  • If you could not handle having your nose pierced than don’t even think about having your tongue done.

  • I got my tougne piercing when I was it didn’t hurt it was like you pinching your own tounge so keep pinching your ear piercings probely are more painful but foods will taste diffreantly!

    Source(s): Me
    Piercing shops
    Tattoo shops

  • It’s the feeling of sIuttiness

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