Opinion on Jelena [Beliebers only]?

I think she’s a famewhore, slut, she treats him as a slave, she’s using him for his money, she’s using him to promote her new album, people are like “she makes him happy” yh, of coarse, shading him on tv, calling him a douchbag, breaking his heart ect. Will obviously make him happy “why do you even care” because im not a fan im a BELIEBER, of course I care. That’s just my opinion, Wburs?

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  • Answerer 1

    This is all wordly life-less and back biting conversation. You should avoid falling in falsehood and look around open your eyes and see what’s happening in Syria, Palestine, etc…people don’t know that muslims are apparently the victim of wars due to their only true religion, why would anyone bother you if you’re already victim of shatan…people only bother you when you are following the right path….

  • Answerer 2

    I think you sound like a jealous little girl, who gives a toss who he sees.

  • Answerer 3

    To be quite honest even a as a belieber I don’t really know much about Selena. But if Justin loves her then I respect that.

  • Answerer 4

    well she does use him but i like them together. JELENA
    i only like justin because of selena lol

  • Answerer 5

    agree …
    She is USING him
    for be famous
    for money
    for be in media
    for ALL things

  • Answerer 6

    My opinion is i think if justiins happy with selena u should be happy to and stop hating on people It is pretty much bullying and that’s wrong to bully her. How would u feel if someone called u a famewhore, slut and a user just cause papparazzi wants to make stuff up about her doesn’t mean you should hate on her.

    Not a hater

  • Answerer 7

    ok. You’re entitled to your opinion. But you can’t have it both ways. If SG is wrong (according to you) for seeking attention and notoriety, then wouldn’t that make JB ‘guilty’ of the same thing..? If promoting ones just recently released album translates (to you) as a “famewhore” then both JB and SG are “famewhores”. Every celebrity couple is using the other to promote their career vs. really being into the other person?

    Neither one are “famewhores”. They are talented people who work at their respective careers on a daily basis. They have both said that one of the things that drew them together is that they can understand what the other one is going through. They both have similar goals and are both just as busy with promoting their career(s). SG is worth over $10 million dollars (and her tour/record/movie mean millions more). She isn’t using anyone for their money.. she doesn’t have to. She isn’t famous because she’s done some lame reality show. She’s been a working actor/singer since she was 5 yrs. old and hasn’t stopped working since.

    It’s ghastly that anyone would refer to someone that they don’t know (and have never met) as a “slut” or make any other disparaging remark. JB has made it perfectly clear about 1,000 x’s how put off he is by ‘haters’. He’s creeped out by the way over-the-top-types who walk around scowling and glaring at other people. Especially when that other person happens to be someone that he has been so close to for so long. He’s grossed out by people who say the stuff that’s in your question. If he were ever in a room with people who were angry and mean-spirited (and referring to his gf as a “slut”), he would have security remove them, with the instruction to keep them away. You don’t really want to be someone that JB wouldn’t want to be in the same room with, do you? Regardless of the status of their relationship, it’s obvious that they will continue to include the other in their life.

    If one loves another then why disrespect him by calling his gf a “slut”..?
    Saying mean things about somebody’s family or friends = saying they have poor judgment. They are stupid and clueless. It’s saying that JB’s made bad decisions re: the friends/relationships he has. That’s no way to show people that you love them.. by calling the people they are closest to names. With “Beliebers” like that..who needs enemies?

  • Answerer 8

    I agree with you. i think selena is ok, she’s a good actress and she’s super pretty but the fact is that she would be nothing without Justin. It’s obvious that she means a lot to Justin he looks a bit silly going back to her after she shaded him on national TV but it also makes Selena look stupid because when she was on ellen and when she did other interviews she said “I’m great now that I’m single” and she was laughing but now she’s running back to him so this shows that she is a nobody without Justin. However Justin loves her for some reason and we beliebers should respect that and support Justin because that’s what beliebers have to do.
    If Justin gets hurt AGAIN by selena then hopefully he’ll learn from his mistakes but if Justin is happy then I’m happy.

    belieber 🙂

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