Organic, Heirloom, Seeds, Strawberry?

I am looking for an online company that sells strawberry seeds that are both Certified Organic and Heirloom.

Ways to not answer this question:
Answer with anything that isn’t Certified Organic.
Answer with anything that isn’t Heirloom.
Answer with anything that isn’t a seed.
Answer with anything that isn’t available online.
Answer with anything that explains how it is too difficult, too slow, or otherwise not viable to grow strawberries from seed.

I appreciate all of the advice but it makes it appear that the question has been answered. And, while I do feel bad for the plight of the small farmer who cannot get Organic certification, I personally cannot trust unverifiable claims.

Please do not clutter this up with comments that don’t answer the question asked! I truly thank you for your well-meaning advice but I would prefer an actual answer to my question as I have been searching online for a while now.

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    That is definitely a needle in a haystack.

    Part of the reason you’re having such a difficult time finding what you’re looking for is that strawberries are not usually sold as seeds, since it takes a few years to actually produce.…

    If you seem to not be able to find what you want – then what you do, is buy heirloom seeds. At least heirlooms will breed true to seed. If the seeds themselves are not organic, consider this: Grow them for 2-3 years, using organic methods, will produce strawberry plants that are both heirloom and organic. And since you won’t get any fruit fro that long, you don’t have to worry about berries that may not be organic (in other words, by the time they produce, the plants WILL be certifiably organic).

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