Physics, HELP!!! what will happen to Fg if the distance between the two objects will be?

a. twice as the original if it is R

Fg = G mm/R

b. half the original if it is R/

please help me do the Algebra, this is sooo confusing. I’d appreciate it, THANKS A MILLION!!!!!

✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • Fg ……G mm /(R)²

    —– = ———————

    Fg ….G mm /(R)²

    Fg ……G mm …….(R)²

    —– = —————- X —————

    Fg …….(R)²………….Gmm

    Fg ……..(R)²

    —– = ————-

    Fg …….(R)².

    Fg ……..R²

    —– = ————-

    Fg …….R².

    Fg ……..

    —– = ——— <== cross multiply

    Fg …….

    Fg = Fg


    Fg = ¼ Fg <=== Fg becomes smaller


    Fg = Gmm / (½R)²

    Fg ……G mm /(R)²

    —– = ———————

    Fg ….G mm /(½R)²

    Fg ……G mm …….(½R)²

    —– = —————- X ————


    Fg ………¼R²

    —– = ————

    Fg …….R²

    Fg ………¼

    —– = ————

    Fg …….

    ¼ Fg = Fg

    Fg = Fg <=== Fg becomes greater

  • ugh!!!!!!!!! i don’t wanna go to school tomorrow!!!!!!!!! because of all those sh*** we heard!!!!!!!

  • See also  Do waves need a medium for propagation?

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