Please tell me the best website creation tool / software and a flash modification software!?

I use website X v evolution to create a website.. It ends up asking Ftp address, user name and a password. what should I do?? I’m not able to modify flash templates.. Please tell me the best softwares for creating a website and flash template modification!

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  • Hello,

    You can use Flash to compose the flash, Dreamweaver to incorporate it into the site, and you could use an FTP software to upload the files. The tutorial below should help you with using Filezilla FTP program. Link to download: and click on download Filezilla client. Filezilla Setup article: After you login to the FTP client filezilla using

    . Your IP address (X.X.X.X)

    . Your FTP login

    . Your FTP password

    You should be able to see the pages on your site. You can then drag and drop files to your server to upload or download them.

    Good Luck!

    Sean Colicchio

    Server Engineer

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