Plz read and comment clomid and femara users?

My progesterone levels used to be very low before clomid and had slight PCOS

I was on clomid for 3 cycles all 50mg and I was ovulating with good progesterone level 11, 19 and 16

(with preseed and no side-effects at all) but not got pregnant

Doctor suggests femara from next round as for clomid there can be thinning of the uterine lining and less cervical mucus

I am in dilema whether to continue with clomid as I was ovulating good…my questions are:

Do you know any success stories from femara after clomid?

Can it have side effects?

The cycle, long/short is it going to be different from clomid?

I will ask these questions to my dr ofcourse…just that i want to listen few personal experiences…

1 Answer

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  • I have tried both Femara and Clomid. I had very good successes on clomid 50mg and produced on three different occasions, three beautiful girls. I did two cycles of femara that did not result in pregnancy but did result in ovulation. As far as your other questions, there are lots of women who did not fall pregnant on clomid but did on femara, if you go to you can do a search and read the different threads about it. Femara has LESS side effects than clomid and it stays in your system a much shorter time than the clomid, clomid can still linger around for a few cycles while the femara is gone within a few weeks. My cyle was the same on Femara, just continue to use your opk’s or whatever way you are monitoring for ovulation. I wish you the best of luck.

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