POLL: Why doesn't the CIA use clairvoyants to find Osama Bin Ladin?

A: Because US clairvoyants are expensive

B: Osama is wearing a tin foil hat to block signals

C: CIA has orders not to “”find” Osama

D: Clairvoyants are charlatans


E:_____________ (fill in your own)


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  • “BLADE” is on the case. And the makers of final destiny 5 too(OBL)

    Source(s): Interesting question……NOT!

  • CIA is an all men’s club, sadly…and Clarie Voyance has a pair. Plus she’s gay and busy working in California to overturn Prop 8, and try to identify the gutless, godless people with tiny penises and miserable love lives….ergo…..she’s to busy to worry about Osama,.

    Besides, why not let GW make good on his promise to find him? He’s still

    got two months before Granny Crabtree bakes another one of her delicious Crow Pies, and carves him up a big slice…..

  • E. Didn’t you see the new Indiana Jones movie? The commies are way ahead of us in the mind race! The CIA’s psychic program couldn’t clairvoyant its way out of a paper bag!

    Source(s): http://www.earthshod.com/

  • I should choose one, but I am am split between B and D.

    I have to choose them both to cover all basis, because if I am wrong about them being charlatans, then for sure the CIA would have some working for them and Osama must then be wearing a tin foil hat.

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  • How everyone who hasn’t been decrease than a rock the previous numerous years does not understand who Bin encumbered is looks style of loopy to me. somewhat, there are lots of people who’ve been decrease than rocks the previous few years who understand of him. That aside, i’ve got been called Bin encumbered back in extreme college, yet that replaced into because of the fact little ones could be ignorant pricks and due to my ethnicity (Sri Lankan). MJ is the extra serious of the two in that his face is so…properly, tousled. Pre elegance surgical technique/bleaching or despite he’s executed MJ could be a compliment.

  • E: Because the CIA loves to play “hide and seek” for another four years with Osama !

  • E:Lack of funding.

    Remote viewing has been researched by the military in a number of countries world wide but wasn’t giving enough returns to justify funding so fell out of favour.There were a few cases of remote viewers turning up useful info in cases in the past but I’m not aware of any recent ones although they may still use it but don’t publicise it.

  • The answer is C….sort of.

    The CIA already knows where he is. The secret government is uninterested in finding him. As long as he remains “missing” the war can go on.

    This is coming from a psychic hippie. Down with the man!


  • E …..It’s a cover up, they have Bin Ladin in a secret place. This way they get to do what they want using Bin Ladin as an excuse.

  • E. The CIA was experimenting with “Psychic Warriors” for I think about 30 years, some say the project failed and they scraped it others say it went covert and underground theres a book on the subject and some declassified papers. you should look into it.

    Source(s): www.crystalpsychic.com

  • E. The US government has experimented with using psychics before, and I assume they still are. I’m sure we only know a fraction of the work they are doing with various psychics.


    That’s not to say they’re convinced of psychic abilities, but I assume they figure if there’s any chance, it’s worth a shot.

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