Question on a paranormal “encounter”. Not sure what to call it. No jerk-like answers, please.?

I’m not sure how to explain this without someone calling me crazy but here goes nothing. For the past several weeks, I have been experiencing some odd things. Actually, one thing but it happens over and over again. I have a feeling something is following me around, most would say that’s a “figment of my imagination” but this is too real to ignore. I do not feel frightened or any such thing from this “presence”, but instead it feels nice when I do feel it. I can feel the presence is male and around my age (I’m 21) and I feel like I know it; like as in a friend-to-friend relationship. I can’t explain how, I just know these things. It, or “he”, as I now say, calls my name on several occasions. i don’t know why, wish I did. I have asked the presence who “he” is, why he is there, etc…never getting anything, except maybe the feeling of the back of a finger brushing against my cheek or something innocent such as that. Truthfully, I feel whoever, or whatever, it is can not say why they are there or who they are. I sound nuts, I know…if this gives any better info, I have had issues dealing with the paranormal world for years and years. This presence is not around 24/7…this I know for a fact. I will tell you the most recent “incident” I had, concerning this friendly presence. This was probably about a month ago now and the only time I felt as if I was staring this presence in the “eye”; can’t say eye because I didn’t actually see anyone or even hear them. Just felt someone there. Here’s the memory: I was sitting up in my bed, thinking about a friend. Been having issues with this friend that was beginning to weigh my mind down, as well as my heart. I wanted to desperately know this certain male friend felt about me. I remembered leaning my head down, hugging my knees for a few moments. Then i felt a strong, very strong, male presence right in front of me. I felt as if the person was no more than 25 years of age and somehow, I knew him. He was apart of my life, even though I had no idea how. And if he wasn’t apart of it now, he was going to be soon. As I looked, I got a sudden feeling that seemed to make some words pop into my mind, those being “You’ll know the answer to your question soon enough. Give me time.” Obviously this was going with the question I had been stressing out about moments before. Right after I got those words in my mind, which by the way, those words were not in my own mental voice, if that makes sense, I felt what felt like fingertips, as well as the fingers themselves, touch my shoulder in a gentle manner. In less than a few minutes after the feeling of the touch went away, I got so tired I passed out and slept all night. Mind you, I do not sleep well at all so a good night’s sleep was rare and definitely welcomed. I don’t know what anyone can help me about concerning this. I suppose I wanted to know if this was normal? Am I going mental? Please say no. I asked a friend who deals with a lot of the paranormal world, as well as researching it, and he said it sounded like an Astral Projection to him. Is this true? I feel nuts asking this to a bunch of strangers on the internet but…I just need to see if I can find some answers. If this is an Astral Projection of someone I know, would the person know they are doing it? And if so, why would they (or he) be visiting me? Any help, actual help, is appreciated. Thanks.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • I hope to God it isn’t an Incubus. But on the other hand, where it isn’t an Incubus, it might be someone you knew when you were younger, too. I’ve never had a visitation like that from a friend, but I have known some people I was friends with when I was smaller to be dead by now for one reason or another. So it could be that a friend you had back then has passed away and is trying to communicate with you.
  • This has to be one of the longest questions ever, But No you are Not going mental

    At least this whatever is friendly and seems to be a comforter to you

    I don’t know about Astral Projection, but you should be able to find articles on the internet
    Do a Google search ” Articles on Astral Projection”
    Hope this helps


  • People seem to like having an imaginary friend that watches over them, some people call theirs God or Jesus or a guardian angel or spirit guide. Possibly you aren’t very religious so you have invented some friendly invisible bloke that hangs around.
    It’s not real and I doubt you’re insane, but if you have fun pretending you have a magical companion I can’t see that there is too much wrong with it.

  • Astral Projection isn’t the correct answer. This is a hypnotic trance that is typical to mermaid exposure. You are under a very old and common Urban Legend. It affects vast numbers of women. The most recent invasion was characterized as the crack head invasion. The entity that you are describing is a demonic leader and the image would be of him. His image is:

    He is Dante. What he wants is to abduct your offspring. This is an extra-terrestrial. Each time you have sex with him or his kind, it will destroy vital brain cells. It usually will take only 3 times having sex with them living or as demonic spirits, before they are capable of convincing you to engage in demonic sexual acts and beginning to present yourself as a demon. All this time you are being impregnated. You and your offspring will be relocated to a location where they can take you from this planet. These are ETs. They have no devotion to humanity. They come as a flood of really rude dudes and take with them loads of women and children, as they leave.

    Don’t be amazed. Dante himself or another soldier will show up to have sex with you. And, you won’t be able to resist him, unless you make a conscious effort to abstain from sex for the next three years. Don’t search of a sexual partner, because one of them will show up before you are able to find the type of guy you like. These are really strong demons that solely act upon your sexual nature.

    It is better that you take this time as a sabbatical giving devotion only to God, in the name of Jesus. Having sex isn’t your right to do at this time. You have been targeted, like a lot of girls your age. Resist the new wave of Crack Heads, because that is what you will be.

    They used to call them Flower Children and Rouges, depending on what time frame you are in. The are alien extraterrestrials. And, the make us slaves on alien planets, if we don’t resist them. Resist them.

    People will call you crazy, that is your right to be, fore warned. Be warned!

  • normal for one person is not normal for another. Moses could access the power of God to part the red sea it was “normal” for him. this could be normal for you. Whatever it is it doesn’t sound bad and in my book that’s a good thing! do your best to avoid evil in life is what I always say.


  • Tape it..If you have a video of the astral.. people might beleive you and NASA/etc might start investigating… Honestly,I dont believe you 🙁 , but , if you’d have a proof,then Id be interested…Anyways,here’s my gmail in case you record that “thing” : [email protected]
    Good luck 😛

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