Recommended reading list for SAT subject test for Literature?

I know that they don’t give a reading list. But, I’m completely unaware of what I need to read, and what kind of literature I need to study. I looked at the college board explanation of the syllabus, but it was very broad and unspecific. Can someone please help me? I would like a general list of plays, poetry, and prose. Obviously, I expect complete specificty.

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  • The SAT subject test does not have a special reading list. It gives you selections to read in the test itself. So on the test, you will read a poem or short prose selection, then answer questions about it, about its meaning, effects, use of language etc.. It is testing your skills in understanding literature; not what literature you already know. It makes no difference whether or not you have already read the selections on the test, and there is no way to know what they are.
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