Robinson crusoe and the life of pi?

Hi, I’m trying to compare The life of Pi and Robinson Crusoe. I already have a thesis on it, while my teacher says it is okay I don’t think I will get past a mid %. I think some similarities include the themes of death, faith and religion, social class, cannibalism, survival skills, and Time. I know if I got into more of the philosophical aspects of the novels I would get higher marks, my current thesis has to do with symbolism which just doesn’t seem to be at Grade level…

Can anyone think of a thesis that has to do with any of these themes…Or any other thesis ideas?

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? Favorite Answer

  • You shouldn’t be asking for homework on Y!A. It’s against the Community & Guidelines rules.

  • Source(s): Survive Everywhere

  • See also  Heart of Darkness book.?

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