Should I cut my hair short?

This is kinda on a whim, I have been wanting to grow my hair out for a long time and its finally down to about my waist. But it just get so tangled through out the day and I never do anything with it, probably about 90% of the time I just brush it and leave it as is. I rarely put it up unless I am working out. I am kinda bored with it, but I know when I cut it short I will want it long again. Can I have some pros and cons about both short and long hair?

✅ Answers

  • Answerer 1

    Since it is down to your waist, I would donate it to Locks of Love as they donate it to people with cancer for wigs. They only need ten inches so I would cut off those ten inches to donate it for a good cause 🙂

    If you don’t want to do that, I would layer it so that it is a bit different than normal or just trim off the split ends.

  • Answerer 2

    i was in the same situation a few years ago and i guaratee you will regret cutting it off so heres what i reccommend,,
    just cut off a few inches each month so you dont notice so much and miss it when its gone, bit by bit is more managable too.
    hope i helped x

  • Answerer 3

    long hair is pretty on MOST people and is feminine. Short hair is easier to take care of, but you can also look good with it. i suggest to cut it to shoulder length. that isnt too short, but easier to take careof.

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