Should I restart atkins?

I’ve been on Atkins a little over three months now and I am just completely frustrated. I’ve been going up and down and up and down and I’ve just about had it. Obviously something is going on and whenever I “fix it”, it goes wrong again a few days later to which I pretty much curse the whole diet!!
I’ve upped my calories and fat intake to 70-75 percent daily and yet here I am, not losing a pinch of weight. What’s going on? I have no idea. It’s difficult to manage 25 grams of carbs a day and seeing as I still have about 18 lbs to go, I think I might consider going back into the two week induction mark.
Should I do restart? I’m almost desperate!!
Some of my days look like this:
Breakfast- 2 scrambled eggs, sauteed spinach or seasoning blend in oil/butter, 1 oz parmesan, coffee and 1 saccharin packet.
Snack- if I’m hungry…. a salad or some veggies to munch on with cheddar cheese. diet coke
Lunch- tuna patties, 1/2 avocado w/ 2-4 tbsp mayo
Snack- veggies….or dessert: sugar free jello with 2 tsbp whipped topping
Dinner- fish, cheese, salad

I’m a Pescatarian so my protein options are somewhat limited to only eggs and fish lol

And on Mondays and Wednesdays I have a atkins bar because I’m in class away for a long time and have nothing else to eat. But I would like to begin making my on protein shakes if someone would be kind enough to share some with me!
I’m using almondcoconut milk right now!

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • I have tried it and can tell you it doesn’t work, at least not for me. Like many other diets that are high in proteins, this diet program usually has its most amount of success in regards to weight loss in the beginning of the diet. However, those who attempt to lose weight with this program on a long-term basis are not usually as successful as those simply seeking a short-term weight loss solution.
    The Atkins Diet is a wonderful diet, but usually only at first. While it is great to get to eat items such as cheeses, eggs, steak, chicken, and more, the high protein diet can grow weary in an awful hurry. Because you will have to all but stop eating breads and pastas, your cravings may become too much to handle and cheating might begin.
    However, the Atkins Diet is not a diet that can tolerate cheating at any level. This is likely why those seeking weight loss for the long-term often don’t fare well with the Atkins Diet.
  • I can not say much for the Atkins diet, as I have not tried it, and I am not an expert by any means. So on that note, I can tell you what has worked for me. I have researched several diets that made Sense based on my knowledge of the human body and how it works.
    I stay away from artificial ingredients at all cost, “your liver has a harder time processing fats if it is working on filtering out crap like saccharin, preservatives, etc. The second thing, at-least 30 min. of cardio daily “I do mine in the morning”. And the Green Coffee extract ” the 1 seen on Dr. Oz” really does work.

    As for the diet, Food intake, and I am literal.
    Large breakfast is best, :2 eggs, some form of meat, “fatty does not matter as your main calorie intake should be in the morning anyhow to fuel your body through the day”, at-least 1 cup of fruit, NO OJ, or oranges, A grain and Milk product, usually yogurt.

    Fruit/Vegetable 1 to 2 cups,” 2 cups if salad”, and another yogurt for lunch.

    And a reasonable dinner, before 6 if possible.

    I try to keep it spicy as it helps to increase metabolism and I do include natural snacks in between meals as needed.

    I have been able to lose anywhere from 2 to 5 pounds weekly and I do not weigh myself daily, can cause discouragement if you don’t see results, as you may be shredding fat and gaining Muscle.

    I hope it helps you as it is tweak-able to sute anyone with special requirements.

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