Should i use the seeds from red or green pepper to make new plants?

so i want to plant peppers. i have a red pepper and a green pepper i bought from the store. i only have 1 pot, which ones should i use? and also whats the difference between red and green peppers? are they 2 different plants?

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  • Bell peppers? Usually the red is just a riper green one. There are varieties that ripen faster or slower or some that never seem to ripen.
    You might have better luck with seeds from riper red one. But no guarantee they will sprout. How big is the pot? Pepper plants can get several feet high and bushy. Take a half dozen or so biggest seeds, dry on a paper towel. Fill the pot with nice light potting soil to an inch of the rim. Space the seeds evenly around pot an inch or so from outside and at least one in center.Lightly water so soil is moist, not soggy, cover seeds with no more than quarter inch of soil and lightly water again. Cover pot with plastic wrap with a few holes. Put it in warm dark place for a week. See if they grow. A very wispy lookin sprout with two thin leaves should appear. Place where they get some indirect sun, direct sun may cook um. Remove plastic when they reach it, keep soil moist . When 2 or 3″ tall with a few more leaves than those first two, pinch out all but 2 or 3 most healthy looking ones , hopefully ones toward center. They need more sun now but don’t let um cook or let soil dry out. A couple of weeks pinch out all but one. Give it all day sun, but watch out, pots dry quickly. Good luck! What other seeds ya got?
    – Chosen by Asker

  • mostly the red peppers in a supermarket are the ripe ones and the green are the unripe ones. So the red peppers are more likely to have mature seeds in them.

    I woiuldn’t expect that the general supermarket pepper is a heirloom varieties which keep their characteristics while naturally pollinated. If you grow from non-heirloom plants you might get offspring which is or is not that similar to the parent plant.

    I probably would bother to spend a dollar on bought seeds.

  • All bell peppers turn red eventually. The progression: green, yellow, orange, red. For planting it doesn’t make any difference, they will still start out green then change color the longer they stay on the plant.

  • you can , but many are hybrids , so the ones you harvest maybe a smaller variety

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