Singing Questions, high notes. Help please!?

I get told I can sing well.

I get frustrated because I can’t sing high notes like Demi Lovato or Ariana Grande.

1) how do I find my vocal range?

2) is it possible to sing higher notes? What should I do to achieve it?

I don’t like singing in front of people much.. When I feel my voice get higher I feel it’s gonna crack so I don’t go for it.. I set back and kinda use Falsetto.. And I don’t want to.

Help? I want to improve my singing.

I’m trying to sing Wide Awake by Katy Perry to challenge me first then move to some Demi or Ariana material.

I just want to sing high notes.

(I do listen to Beyonce, and MC.. I hate Alicia keys.. I listen to other great singers)


✅ Answers

? Favorite Answer

  • THE ONLY SAFE way to learn the correct singing techniques & to improve properly IS to take OFFLINE face-to-face singing lessons with a fully trained vocal teacher (in case you do not have a teacher yet)! The teacher HAS TO BE in the same room with you, so that he/she could give you proper feedback.

    Please do NOT rely on any dodgy web tutorials because that way you can misunderstand things VERY EASILY and develop bad habits, hoarseness, vocal nodules and other nasties IN NO TIME, and even though you would sound good! It is always much wiser to invest a little bit of your money/time to face-to-face lessons rather than wasting the same amount of money (or even more!) to frequent ear-nose-throat specialist visits due to aforementioned problems, so please reconsider this. If you can’t afford vocal lessons, then joining a choir is the only SAFE alternative option. And believe me, but even MANY of those who have music as their hobby DO take lessons as well!

    Always remember to warm up your voice properly, but please know your limits and don’t overdo your voice! Remember the diaphragmatic support, do not strain your throat too much! Also, remember good body posture!

    Avoid fizzy drinks (burp danger), dairy products (mucus risk), caffeinated products (coffee & tea included, they dry up your throat) and spicy food (irritation risk)! You can consume these things, but NEVER before singing!

    Do NOT shout, yell, scream nor otherwise abuse your voice AT ANY TIME! Also, please respect your vocal range; if your teacher says you are, say, more of an alto (baritone if you are male), then you ARE more of an alto (baritone).

    DO NOT try to imitate anyone famous, that will usually give you just bad habits and even damage your throat. You are YOU and your voice is unique, so please learn to cherish that. The world does NOT need copycats.

    Do NOT sing, whisper, shout, yell nor scream if having a sore throat/cold/flu, Also, do speak as little as you can if you have flu/cold/sore throat!

    Remember to drink at least 2 litres of room-temperature still water every day, not just during singing days!

    Smoking is a big no-no, as is inhaling secondhand smoke. Also, avoid staying in dusty and/or moldy environment.

    Source(s): a student of speech-language-voice therapy

  • If you’re like most people who dream of becoming a world-class musician or just love to sing, your goal is simple: you want to overcome your vocal barriers. You want to take your singing ability to the highest level. Discover How To Become A Better Singer In Just Days: In Just 5 Minutes A Day, You Could Start Singing With Incredible Control, Power, Pitch, And More Freedom Than You Ever Imagined … “You Too Can Learn How to Sing – Improve Your Singing Voice, Sing With Amazing Control, And Gain A Full Octave In Your Vocal Range” Over 10,000 Singers – Including Professionals, Recording Artists and Even Total Beginners – Have Used The Superior Singing Method To Experience Vocal Breakthroughs You will learn how to eliminate tension through simple tips and techniques that will allow you to sing with more power and confidence. The Superior Singing Method system will give you dynamic vocal exercises that are designed to help you to improve your resonance and strengthen your voice muscles. You will also improve pitch issues, create better tone, and have more control while singing in the top of your vocal range.

  • To reach the high notes you need to use your support. (basically activate your lower stomach region) If you don’t know what that is, look it up online:)

    An easy way to reach these high notes with power, is using something called TWANG.

    TWANG is a sound you put on the voice when it needs support to do a specific thing (often reach the high notes)

    The TWANG sound is used a lot by anastacia and tina turner.

    Maybe there is some tutorial videos on youtube for discovering this sound in you own voice.

    Also a good idea is to change the vowel sound if you find something hard to reach. some vowels are harder to sing up high than others. For example the ‘E’ in ‘eye’ is easier to sing up high than the ‘E’ in ‘easy’.

    ALWAYS stop, if something feel uncomfortable. Or you are getting tired in your voice. Because then you are doing it wrong.

    But very important to remember don’t try this before you have warmed up you voice. Do some runs up and down, yawn with sound and stuff like that.

    And the very best thing to do is sign up with a real singing teacher.

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