Spanish 102 help Indirect and Direct Object pronouns?

Les compramos los regalos a nuestros amigos?
Above is a sentence I’m trying to process correctly. From what I understand it says, “Did we buy gifts for our friends?”. My issue is, why is there a “Les” in-front of “Compramos”? This to me makes it sound like “Did we buy them the gifts for our friends?” Which sounds a bit repetitive. The sentence already has a DO=The gifts and ID=Friends, which I assume is correct.

If I were to respond to the sentence concern, I assume I could say, “Les los compramos”, correct?

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  • Spanish speakers many times overdo when they use the indirect object repeatedly.

    Le doy la goma a Juan. (le and Juan are the same person)
    Me quiere a mí (Me and a mí are the same person)

    But this is good when we want to emphasize and we can also use it when we DON’T emphasize. It’s a little irrational but this it the way it is.
    Having said that, no, it’s not LES LOS. It’s SE LOS. We use SE instead of LE when we have them together .
    Compramos un auto a Juan.
    Se lo compramos.
    Se lo compramos a Juan. OK even though irrational for English speakers. LOL

    Compré una banana para María.
    Se la compré
    Se la compramos or Se la compramos para María or Se la compramos para ella. (the irrational one)
    What about English.
    Do you like my shirt?
    Why do you need DO?

    Wouldn’t it be the same to say
    You like my shirt?
    We have an interrogation mark at the end and if it’s oral we raise our voice.

    See how language is irrational????


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