Suicide? help me…please?

I already have the note. I have no rope or gun…so what is the quickest way to commit suicide?! I have looked for help. This is my only escape. I am ready for the pain to end. I’m tired…I can’t hold on any longer…I am finally letting go.

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  • If one has the right to live, then he/she certainly has the right to die.

    So, I will not give you the common “don’t commit suicide” reply.

    If you really want to die. Go for it.

    No ropes or guns? So what? You can figure out some other means.

    Why don’t you exercise your creativity for the last time in your life and find a way to “check out” in your own way?

    You are ready for the pain. And you can’t hold on any longer, right?

    What are you waiting for? Access to the internet should suffice to make your desire come true.

    Have a nice death.

    P.S. To the other answerers.

    You are hypocrites as you say “I love you.”, “Don’t do it.”, “Call the suicide hotline” and so on.

    The questioner wants to die. Can you not read? At least I am honest unlike you hypocrites.

  • Its not your only escape. Its not. I know it feels like it is right now, but that will pass. I’ve tried to kill myself many times, and I don’t doubt that I will try again, but I’m always glad I failed. Because the feeling passes, and maybe you don’t feel good, but you won’t feel this bad. You won’t feel like this forever. Write yourself a note, promise yourself that you won’t do anything for hours, if you still feel the same after that, so be it. Then go talk to someone, anyone. Call a hotline, call your mom, call a teacher. Just tell someone how you’re feeling. People would be devastated if you died. I know you don’t think they would care, but they would. They would be tormented with the thought that they caused it or let you die.

    If its depression, there are treatments, even for the worst, most unresponsive cases, there are treatments that will help you. Ask for help. Reach out to someone, because I promise this feeling won’t last. Don’t try to OD on anything you might have, or buy from the pharmacy. In all likelihood, you won’t die, you’ll just permanently damage your internal organs, and living with that after would be really shitty, so don’t do it. ODing is also the best way to be found and taken to a hospital, where you might die in a coma, or be a vegetable, or paralysed, all things horrible. Just don’t do it, people care about you and things will be less awful, they have to be. If you’re at rock bottom now, you can only feel better.

  • Stop. Do not do it. Please. Think about your family, and everyone surrounding you. Do you really want to hurt your parents or guardian like that? You may feel like they don’t care about you, but you have no idea. You are their world. And if you have a sibling, you killing yourself will ruin them. Stop being so selfish. There are people out there fighting to live, and you just wana take your life away so easily just because your going through hard times? There are people in this world struggling to survive. You have a house, and loving family, and everything you could ask for. DO NOT KILL YOURSELF. You will regret it, so much. As your looking at your family mourn, dying on the inside, and blaming theirself because of something absolutely STUPID that YOU have done. Don’t do it. There will always be somebody there for you that will understand if you just talk to them. Open your mouth and tell somebody what is going on. Don’t put the people that love you the most through such a terrible life long heartache. Even if you feel like they could give a **** about you, you MEAN THE WORLD to them. Get that through your head, someone cares for you so much. This is not a solution. Suicide is NOT the answer. Do not do this. Please.

  • The easiest way to commit suicide is to first throw away the note, take a breath, talk to a friend, call the suicide hotline (— if you’re in the US, completely free.) if needed, and live.

    Prove to everyone that you can come out better than ever before. Prove to everyone who’s hurt you that you can come out braver than they’ll ever be. Don’t let them win, don’t let society win, don’t become that daunting statistic.

    Living is the only way out of suicide. Find that way and cling to it.

    Source(s): Past hospitalizations, I’m a fighter.

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  • No matter what pain you are going through,committing suicide is not the answer. You should talk to someone about it.

    Source(s): Common Sense Dear

  • I love you and if you need someone to talk to, message me on tumblr, my URL is

  • Hold on my friend.

  • dont do it love please. everyone is here for you.

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