The Goddess Test Series, Help!?

So I want to read the Goddess Test series but I looked it up and there are 5 books I think, but then there are other books like the goddess queen, the love struck goddess, god of thieves ect. And I saw that she wrote the Goddess of the Underworld. So my question is do I have to read the Goddess Queen, The Lovestruck Goddess ect, because does it follow the story line or did she just wrote them to have it in other people’s view?
(Sorry if my question is not clear)

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  • Okay here’s how it works.

    First there is The Goddess Test (1), which is followed by Goddess Interrupted (2), but the Goddess Hunt (1.5), is a book with nothing to do with the main story but takes place between 1 and 2. Goddess Inheritence (3) is the final book, and like Book 1.5, Goddess Legacy is 2.5, and the rest like God of Thieves or Lovestruck Goddess are just novellas (longer than short stories, but too short to be classed as a novel), which also, having nothing to do with the plot, and are just exploring other characters.

    Hope this helps
    – Chosen by Asker

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