The world is round, right? Why do we not have people and objects falling off the face of the earth into space?


slow down on me guys. im only 11!


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  • We stay on earth because of gravity which is caused by the earth’s rotation and it’s orbit around the sun…simple explanation. By the way the earth is not round…it’s oblong.

  • The main reason is gravity or the pull on things that keep us on the ground. But just imagine something…what if we could make a machine that was not pulled down to earth by gravity, we could stand on it and fly around the earth in 24 hours…watch out for trees! Newton the scientist that explained gravity to the world supposedly had an apple fall on him. Some objects float because they are light or the pull on them is very small.

  • Because we are living inside the round. and we are constantly trying to fall into space but the surface the one we stand on won’t let us. This creates an imbalance and the globe starts spinning wildly. That is why the earth rotates. Then because it is rotating it starts to move in circles around the sun.

    The sun is excited and starts rotating on its axis. The moon being much close rotates around the earth.

    Due to all this friction, the sun and stars (which have lot of phosphorous) start to light up. This is called a nuclear reaction. This causes the solar wind. Which blows onto the earth keeping it cool, sort of a giant airconditioner. This wind is also primarily responsible for the photographs being black and white in the 1930s. Now the winds have changed (after the song) and we have color.

  • Gravity

  • Um, he’s a she. And we don’t fall off because the Earth isn’t completely round and also gravity pulls us back. Also, I’m 12 so all you answerers should stop acting like kids are dumb, because most of us aren’t. How could I provide an answer if I was dumb?

  • Love the question but can’t answer it. Gravity doesn’t seem to provide the answer somehow. It’s like we have magnetic sensors in our feet coupled with the pressure of the air around us and that manages to keep us glued.

    I wonder why when the World is in orbit we seem not to be able to differenciate the between right way up and not the right way up.

  • God, he did say slow down on me Im only 11. Give him the benefit of the doubt people, no wonder science is failing in our schools, kids are afraid to ask questions for fear of getting this response!

  • The force of gravity attracts everything toward the center of the earth. Hence, when either a yankee or a kiwi jumps, both fall toward the ground.

  • There are two counterbalancing forces, gravity and centrifugal force. Gravity = magnetic attraction from the earth. Centrifugal force (spinning off effect) is caused by the earth spinning. Gravity just has the edge, which gives us weight. Gravity – centrifugal force = weight.

  • Hey, you’re only 11, I’m sure you’ll learn this at some point in school but it’s gravity that keeps you attached to earth! Cool, innit?

  • Gravity.

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