To all expecting baby mama's out there! How do you feel?

I am 9 weeks pregnant with my 1st. How do you feel of breastfeeding? I’m not sure how to feel of the idea of putting my childs mouth on my tit. lol what are some of you planning and opinoins on it.


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  • Im 10 weeks with my first too!

    Im kind of where you are. I was never breastfed (and i think i turned out ok lol). My hub hub was breastfed (and he thinks i should breastfeed our little one). I can see doing at home, but im not sure how i feel about doing it in public or at other people’s houses.

    But i have heard that it does have more nutrients and is better than formula.

    I guess i just depends on what YOU are comfortable doing.

  • I am not 20 weeks pregnant and I have been thinking a lot about breast-feeding! I know that I want to because I know that it will give my son so much more nutrients than formula can. But I will have my limits.. I know for a fact that I don’t think I will be able to breast feed in public, I work in a restaurant an have seen a lot of boob no blanket which is weird to me too im just not that comfortable! But I plan to pump so when I am out in public i can still give him breast milk. Another thing that kinda scares me though is.. My nipples already are super tender! So I know I am going to be using a lot of cream. An I only plan to breast feed 6-8 months, I think that its way to long an weird when the child can ask for the boob with words! You have a while to think about what you want to do though being only 9 weeks! Hope everything is going well so far and continues to go well. An Congrats!!

    Source(s): 20 weeks pregnant with a little baby Boy!

  • Everyone always says that breastfeeding is the best thing for your child, and they will be healthier and smarter and blah blah blah…

    but there are formulas out there now that contain many of the same ingredients as breast milk.

    With my first child, as soon as he was born I had him on the bottle.. and he is just as smart and as healthy as any other kid today (age 4)..

    I am 16 weeks pregnant with my second, and I am not planning on breastfeeding this one either.

    I just don’t feel comfortable with the whole idea either… I mean, I like it when my boyfriend’s mouth is on my breasts… so to just put my baby’s there would feel totally weird to me.. even though it’s natural and stuff.. meh, I just don’t think that I could do it.

    Plus, when you’re breastfeeding, your relatives/boyfriend or husband don’t get a chance to feed the baby.. which is a total bonding experience!!

    Having them on a bottle of formula right off the start gives other people the chance to feed the baby, as well as giving YOU a break 🙂

    That’s just my opinion anyways… lol


  • I am 24 weeks, and this is my first baby. I feel annoyed right now! My dog wont stop barking at every noise he hears. The baby is head down & kicking lots but I do not mind. And my back is hurting. But besides that, I am okay. I am going to breastfeed my son. I have heard that breast milk is better for the baby and can give them things that formula cannot. I am a little freaked out about having my babies mouth on my boob too but I know it will be a great bonding time and he will get all the nutrients he needs.


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  • I’m 13 wks with my 3rd baby, I feel pretty good just anxious to find out the sex (I have two boys so I really want a girl) As far as the breastfeeding goes, you put that very bluntly wow. I didn’t breastfeed my boys because I had c-sections both times and I was in too much pain from the surgery. Besides, I tried it and neither of them were latching on properly so it was best for me and my boys to just use formula.

  • Hi, I am 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My EDD is June 9th 2010. I want to breast feed because it is cheap, healthy, no period for 6 months, lose weight, no body (like dr’s or WIC or lactation nurses at hospitals and clinic) mad at me for NOT breastfeeding, also I know what is in my breast milk so I know my formula isn’t being poisoned(if I formula fed), anti-body’s and immunities from mom to baby, yeah it hurts and is hard but I’m willing to give it a try. And as far as public breast feeding, just cover it up. I don’t wanna see other peoples boobs! I wouldn’t want the world to see me have my kid suck on my nipples…


  • I am going to do it. It’s free which is one of the main reasons, it’s also the healthiest thing you can do for your baby and for yourself. It makes your uterus shrink back down to the proper size faster, and it burns calories and helps you get back to your pre pregnancy weight. You just need to stop thinking of them as your “****” and remember that even though up till now they have always been a sexual thing the truth is the only reason you have them is to feed your children. That’s why they’re there, that is why they fill up with milk, so you might as well use them for that purpose.


  • i have 12 days til my baby is here (scheduled csection), i feel good overall, just exhausted, feeling huge, tired of people asking me when i’m due, what i’m having, and what his name is… haha*

    i’m not breast feeding, i didn’t even get to try with my first because my milk never came in, so i’m not sure if i would’ve been able to or not.

    Source(s): 37w4d#2

  • I know it’s great for the baby’s immunity system so I’m going to try my best!! Hope I can breastfeed mine

    Source(s): 22w2d pregnant with my first =)10

  • breastfeeding isnt for all woman, its very hard when done correctly, it is very painful at first and takes alot of commitment. i was going to but decided not to because its not for me. its basically a personal choice.


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