TTC 12 years – How do I tell him?

What are your ideas on telling dh about a pregnancy? I only have a little while before he gets home and want a really special idea.

I’ve been ttc for 12 years and I found out this morning I am finally pregnant!!!!!

Also, what are some ideas for telling our older (9 & 14) daughters (They are biologically his, adopted by me last year)


✅ Answers

  • Wow, congratulations to start with 😀

    Depends how long is a little while? I would personally suggest buy a Funky t-shirt or something with ‘Daddy to be (again)’ on it, wraped up and give it him after he gets home…

    There are some websites that sell them…

    As for the daughters, just tell them! Iam sure they will be more than happy for you both no matter how they are told!

    Cant think of anything else but again, congratulations 😀 xx

  • i think of you may desire to get a digital attempt and take it the following day morning. there is not any doubt with those, it quite is going to the two say pregnant or not pregnant. Wow 12 years! I easily have been TTC for 2 and it sounds like perpetually! i easily desire you’re pregnant, congrats in case you’re!

  • Congratulations? very very happy for u! i thinks u should just tell him without any preaambles..the news in itself is a big surprise so don’t over excite your poor DH whose thought i should think will be far from it when u anounce th him that u have something special to tell him. But exactly what did you do differently this circle?

  • first of all CONGATS!!!!!!!!!! i dont think it will matter how you tell him he will be over the moon any way you tell him, dh and i tried to get pregnant for a while too and when i did find out i was pregnant i just looked him in the eye and started crying before blurting out i was pregnant. CONGRATS again hun!!!!

    Source(s): 15w 4d preggers10

  • OMG OMG!! First of all the biggest congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds stupid but spell with alphabet letters!!! I did that when I got a job!! My hubby was looked in shock it was a picture!! I know it is not the same has telling your hubby your pregnant but best I can come up with when you have hardly anytime!


  • OMG Im so happy for u 12 years. i started crying when i read this. CONGRATS. I dont really know what to tell u on how to tell him.. i just had to tell u how happy i am for U Congrats again.. Lots of baby dust to those who need it..

  • That’s fantastic news! Congratulations!!!

    I would just be too excited and come straight out and tell him and the girls as soon as he gets home. They will all be thrilled too! Yay All the best xo


    12 YEARS? WOW! CONGRATS! And let me be the first to say that having older children around is SUCH a great help when you have a little one! I have a 15 year old and then my 2nd marriage I have a 5, 3 & 2 year old. My oldest daughter was in the delivery room with my other three children and she helps SOOO much! You should think about that so that they feel equal to the new baby.

    Paint Job

    Make a quick run to the hardware store to pick up blue and pink paint swatches. Tape them to the wall in your future nursery and when your husband gets home bring him into the room and ask him which color would look better in this room.


    Does your husband know you for always coming home with new shopping bags? This time come home with a new maternity outfit, try it on and say, “How do you think this looks on me? Of course it doesn’t fit quite yet, but in another nine months it will!”

    Baby Blog

    Are you two habitual bloggers? Starting a new blog to chronicle your pregnancy can be a great way to keep long distance friends and family up to date. Make your first post a picture of your positive pregnancy test then make sure to send the link to your husband first to let him know of your new adventure!

    Grocery List

    Call your husband at work and ask if he wouldn’t mind stopping at the store on his way home. Tell him you need some; saltines, ginger ale, decaf coffee, pickles and ice cream, non alcoholic beer, prenatal vitamins etc… If he still doesn’t get it add to the list some Parenting magazines, diapers, and baby food.

    Vacation Time

    Get out the calendar and tell your husband that you were hoping he could take a few weeks off in about nine months. Tell him you have a luxurious stay at your local hospital booked, complete with sleepless nights and regular bouts of spit up on your shoulders scheduled.

    Rearview Mirror

    If your husband is the first to leave for work sneak into his car and hang a pair of baby booties off the rear view mirror.

    Sexy Mama

    Who says you have to tell your husband that you’re pregnant in an innocent way? Try some ‘Sexy Mama’ undies to announce the news.

    Pink and Blue Dessert

    Ask your local baker to frost a few sugar cookies with pink and blue icing (if you don’t have time to do it yourself) and bring them on a plate to your husband after dinner. Let him choose if he thinks you are pregnant with a boy or girl.

    Prayer time

    If you and your husband say a nightly prayer together make sure to slip in a, “Bless our growing baby” and wait for the happy exclamations from your husband.

    Kiss the Baby

    Before your husband gives you his good night kiss tell him to ‘make sure to kiss the baby goodnight too’ and point to your belly.

    However you may tell your husband about your pregnancy, it is sure to be a memorable moment for the both of you. Enjoy the nine months ahead!

    Dinner and a Present. If food is the way to your man’s heart, then this is the way to go. Wrap up your positive pregnancy test like a little present and present it to him over his favorite meal. If your husband is an outgoing type, take him to his favorite restaurant and have the maitre’d bring the gift to the table after you’ve finished dinner. Your husband can share his jubilation with the patrons and staff, who inevitably will be thrilled for you. Chances are they might even include dessert on the house, you’re eating for two now, so indulge! If you think your husband would prefer a more intimate setting, cook his favorite dinner and set the table with the good china you never have the occasion to use.

    Propose Fatherhood. Why not recreate how your husband proposed marriage to you, but instead propose fatherhood? Take him back to where he popped the question and recreate the scene. Instead of a ring box, hand him a bracelet box with your positive pregnancy test inside and ask, “Will you be a father?”

    Bun in the Oven. Sneak out of bed early one morning and put a batch of cinnamon buns in the oven to bake. Don’t worry about baking these from scratch, the pre-prepared refrigerated ones from your grocery store will do just fine. When your husband wakes up and smells the irresistible aroma announce to him that, “Honey, we’ve got a bun in the oven!”

    A Momento. Announce your pregnancy to your husband with a souvenier that he can keep on his desk or dresser. Take a picture of your positive pregnancy test and frame it with the words, “Positive proof that in nine months you will be the best dad around, just wait, you’ll see.”

    A t-shirts even you can love. There’s no double about it, men love printed t-shirts. While this can usually be the bain of us women, this can finally work in our favor. Give him a gift of a t-shirt that says, “Soon to be the World’s Best Dad, ” and watch his face light up. Now maybe you can retire one of his free concert t-shirts that you can’t stand.

    Start Saving. Is your husband in charge of the family finances? Buy him a piggy bank and put a note around it’s neck that says, “Our Baby’s College Fund — Only 18 years and 9 months to save.” Put this on his dresser and wait for him to find it. Don’t be surprised if he comes running to you with a big hug….and a new household budget.

    I presonally like the Proposal idea 🙂


  • congrats !!!

    i hope the bean sticks =]

    i like the booties over his car idea =]

  • just tell her, she is 12 years old, not 4 years old..

    Source(s): College Student09

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