Two and a half year old in a full size bed?

My daughter is so ready to move out of her crib. She keeps asking if she can sleep in the big girl bed that is in her room. The bed has been in that room for as long as I can remember. I’m just worried because it is a full size bed. I’m afraid she will get lost if she goes in there. What do your little ones sleep in? Do you think she will be fine in a full size bed? I don’t want to keep her in the crib if she is willing to try a bed.


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  • Our daughter started sleeping in a full size bed at 19 months. She was climbing out of her cot so we moved her into a new full size single bed with security rail on one side and pushed up against the wall on the other side. She has never fallen out (we chose a long security rail which goes over halfway down the side of the bed). She used to get up a few times when we first put her to bed, but we just persisted in putting her straight back to bed, and she soon figured it out.

    Two and a half is more than ready for a “big girl’s bed”. But i’d recommend the security rail for at least the first 6 months.

  • Bed For A 2 Year Old


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    Two and a half year old in a full size bed?

    My daughter is so ready to move out of her crib. She keeps asking if she can sleep in the big girl bed that is in her room. The bed has been in that room for as long as I can remember. I'm just worried because it is a full size bed. I'm afraid she will get lost if she goes in there. What do…

    Source(s): year full size bed:

  • The legal age is 16 in Canada, so that takes away the problem of statutory rape. I’m 14 years older than my partner, but then I’m in my mid 50s and he’s in his early 40s which gives us a lot more life experience in common. If anything, he’s the “brake” on my impetuosity, and when I’m all gung-ho to go skydiving from a plane he’s the one who will remind me I had my knee replaced just six months ago and is skydiving REALLY such a good idea! If I were going to make a suggestion: work on becoming friends — and very good friends, at that — before even considering introducing sex into the relationship. You already have a good deal of life experience which he doesn’t; and one thing which is common among gay and straight guys is that our first real romantic and sexual experience is really intense and it’s real easy for us to get our hearts broken. He may be gorgeous, and look and act like an adult, but he is still 16 years old. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have a relationship with him at some point, but I don’t think you want to risk breaking his heart, especially while the two of you are sharing a lease — so my suggestion would be to GO SLOW.

  • I think she’ll be absolutely fine in a full size bed. All of my boys went into regular beds the minute they could walk and have never had any problems, i couldn’t imagine my 2 1/2 year old in a crib – way too big! Just go for it, try a bed guard if your worried about her falling out and a stair gate at the top of the stairs if that’s also a worry.

    Good luck xXx

  • We made the same mistake as Dexter. Bought our daughter a toddler bed at age 2. She used it for 3 months and we ended up buying a full size bed. She is now 2 1/2 and LOVES her bed. I am able to get in it with her at night to read to her and I am comfy too. We never even bought side rails..we told her not to fall out..she never has. Some people love toddler beds but why waste the money if you already have another full bed avail?

  • My daughter changed from her crib to a full sized bed (with rail) at 20 months. It has worked out really well. There is plenty of room for me or her dad to lay down and read books with her. I’m glad I didn’t waste money on a toddler bed.

  • When our daughter was 2, she was climbing out of the crib easily, so we decided to get a toddler bed. That was a mistake. It simply wasn’t large enough for her and she’d roll off and sleep on the floor.

    When we got her a full sized bed, she’s loved it and has spent every night on it, since. She’s 3, now, and much prefers a large bed where she can roll around as an active sleeper.

  • My son started crawling out of his bed so when he turned 2 we were going to buy him a toddler bed even though we had a queen size bed in his room. We didn’t find the toddler bed we wanted so we instead decided to buy him Toy Story sheets and blankets and put them on queen size bed. I put up rails on the two sides not against the wall and pillows on the side. He also sleeps with his Woody, Buzz, Lotso, and Singing Seahorse. I go in before I fall asleep and if I wake up in the middle of the night to check up on him because he is very active sleeper and sometimes ties himself in the sheets but that isn’t too common. So far no problems and he loves going to sleep in his bed. It’s also big enough for me to lay down with him and read to him before bedtime or sleep with him when he is not feeling well.

  • my mom put me right from my crib to a full bed when i was a little over a year old..shes 2 and a half…definitely should be in a bed..just give her a s mall blanket rather than the huge comforter if you’re worried about losing her in it

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