Very Important Question: Why do some rooftops have more snow on them than others?

I mean the houses are all lined up, same basic size and slope of rooftop, too. Please be sciency about this, it means a lot to me for some reason.

✅ Answers

? Best Answer

  • Some roofs have black shingles while some are light in color. Black attracts heat, like GCG attracts twinks, light shingles reflect heat like KIA reflects my peen.
    – Chosen by Asker
  • There are many factors that affect snow loading.

    -Pitch of the roof; the greater the pitch the more likely snow will slide off
    -Drifting, affected by nearby trees, wind and other structures.
    -Insulation and ventilation; less heat escaping affects snow load and motion
    -Roofing material; shingles and other porous materials with greater surface area do not shed snow as easily
    -Yukon Cornelius and his band of misfit toys
    -Roof condition; pits, depressions, sagging and low spots help accumulate snow
    -Gozer the Gozerian, a Mesopotamian God dating to pre-60 BC.

  • Whenever we visit my in-laws in the winter they make me get the enormous telescopic pole and remove the snow from the roof. It’s a small price to pay for fuckingtheir daughter.

    I bet that the houses with less snow have owners with extremely attractive son-in-laws.

    Enormous telescopic pole.

  • Chacha,
    Casey above me has the correct answer to your question. If a home is properly insulated (in the attic area) then the snow will not melt as easily from the roof. If a home is due to have the insulation replaced after years of neglect then the snow will melt easily due to the heat rising.

    Another indication are the icicles on the gutters of a home following a very heavy snow fall. This represents moisture from snow melting closest to the shingles of the roof and merely leaking down.

    Hope this helps!

    Gerry D.

    EDIT UPDATE: Sorry for leaving you out Ms. “F”. Thanks for the science!

  • Lots of reasons why some have less than others.
    1 – Reindeer Poo has high BTU’s. Santa’s too (from all those cookies! duh).
    2 – Melted from the heat produced from all the holiday lights.
    3 – OCD neighbors with snowblowers up on the rooftops.
    4 – All the holiday banging around in the attic, looking for the Xmas decorations, etc. raises the temp there.

  • It is all about how well-insulated they are. If a house has poor insulation the snow will melt faster because more heat is escaping through the roof. If a house is well insulated the snow will remain because there is hardly any heat-loss.

  • Billy would know the answer. Whereinthehell is he? I’m going to put someone else in charge of watching him for me Cha if you can’t do a better job. Just sayin. ♥ I love you and thought about you and her ALL day last week – I hope it was awesome. ♥

  • Some houses are taller than others, and since the roof of the taller houses is closer to the clouds making the snow, they catch more of it.

  • the more insultation, the more snow. Less insulation, the heat from the home melts it quicker.

    omg i answered a question seriously AND it was your question, wtf?

  • I am most certain the amount of rooftop snow correlates in parallel to the virility of the property owner.

    teeppee in my underwear.

  • I haul additional snow to put on my roof. It is all part of an elaborate trap to capture delivery people and door to door salesmen. Someone has to feed your transient habit.

  • The Neighborhood Watch called and they are about to take police action if you don’t stop driving so slowly through the development staring at the houses. You’re freaking people out!

  • Sometimes I have a hard time remembering why I haven’t killed myself yet and then I come across Guido.

    hard, come

  • Magic!

    Harry Potter

  • The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.
    We don’t need no water let the muthafucka burn
    Burn muthafucka burn.


  • God hates some people more than others.

  • De Pole Boss – De Pole!

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