What are the 3 foreign cultures that inspire/influence you the most, outside your own?

I am asking this question as a measure to show that we can all be nice to eachother, that we as God’s creation can love eachother’s ways and be strongly tolerant of fellow human beings…

Name your own heritage and mention three foreign cultures which you admire…Remember there maybe more you admire, but I am just asking you to mention 3 that comes first…

For example, I am a Persian, and the cultures i love most outside my own are:

*The Indian culture (includes that of the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis)

*The Spanish culture (of mainland spain)


*The Mediterranean (Greek-Turkish) culture

Have a nice day 🙂


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  • Moe, Larry, and Curly

  • Great question! My ancestry is of Irish/Spanish decent though i am London born and bred. In no particular order: 1. Indian culture. Buddhism mostly. While i’m not a advocate of religion, if there has to be one then this should be it. 2. East asian culture. I love the simplicity and complexity of thought they have developed over thousands of years that have resulted in a beautiful and passionate race. 3. European culture and history as a whole. It’s amazes me the speed with which it developed, spawning the USA, and yet lacked the foresight to see the consequences of it’s actions upon the world as a whole. All that said, i believe individuals affect individuals more than any culture. I can remember every person that influenced my life in great detail yet remember mostly historical cultural facts taught to me. All the wisdom of the world cannot be held in one mind, but the wisdom YOU need can be held in yours.

  • I’m a Multiracial Filipino, of mixed Philippine, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Spanish ancestry.

    The top three cultures that have influenced me the most are:

    1. American (Philippines is heavily Americanized in culture and ancestry, and English, the American way of life, and Christianity are the widely-held symbols of Philippine statehood).

    2. Chinese (Because I am half Chinese)

    3. Spanish

  • I am also Filipino with Spanish ancestry. I am mostly influenced by:

    1. American culture (after 40 plus years of American colonization, intensive education of our ancestors by Americans and Hollywood, a Filipino youth can’t avoid being influenced by Americans)

    2. Spanish culture (We were a Spanish colony for 3 years before becoming an American colony. Our language drips with Spanish. And my great grandfather is a Spaniard)

    3. Chinese culture (I am not half Chinese, but continuous trade with China since before we were colonized by Spain ensured that I would eventually be influenced by them)

    I am not necessarily inspired by these cultures, but they’ve had such an influence on my society that I suppose they’ve shaped who I am today.

    Good luck on your cause.

  • I am a Romanian and I like very much the Muslim culture (their lifestyle, attitude towards family, traditions, architecture)and I’m even thinking about becoming a Muslim……… The Indian (especially their respect and adoration towards nature) and Japanese cultures for their simple but in the same time extremely complex lifestyle, their beliefs………. These cultures are extremely rich in the matter of spirituality and interesting to study in my opinion.

  • I am a chinese and the british, american and indian culture influenced me the most.

  • I am Indonesian

    and I love this culture

    Japan, Indian, Pakistan

  • I am American, of Irish/Scottish/Native American descent, and my three would be: English (language, habits, customs), Korean (attitudes about life, family and friends) and Mediterranean (diet and easygoing manner/way of life). Interesting question.

  • i’m Chinese.

    1. American 2. Japs 3. British (i dun like it but it influenced us a lot coz of history)

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