What are the politics of feminists and MRAs – are there common political leanings?

I find MRAs tend to be more right leaning – Libertarians, actually.. so I guess in terms of party politics conservative / republican.

Im guessing feminists are mostly die-hard liberals ?

I would consider myself somewhere between a libertarian and a liberal – Ive voted Liberal Democrats in the past. Im leaning more right nowadays though – libertarian. I’ll probably vote UKIP going forward.

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? Best Answer

  • Feminism-Leftism/Marxism

    I cannot name a single popular MRA who’s Conservative. GirlWritesWhat is Libertarian, Warren Farrell is moderate, Paul Elam Liberal, JohntheOther Libertarian, etc.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • MRA – Conservative/Republican
    Feminists – Liberalism/Socialism/Communism
    Egalitarians/Humanists – Liberatarianism

    Egalitarianism is essentially the offspring of libertarianism. MRAs are well known for conservative politics.

    @God – And the coincidence is that… guess who the most approachable feminist is? The libertarian. Haha, shows how she’s basically an egalitarian.

    @BOSS – Why, UKIP is a GREAT party. <3 UKIP. People try to make them out like the BNP, because the BNP is a far-right, radicalist, racist, fascist version of UKIP.

  • Feminist are always liberals, that want regulate our everyday lives, actualyl in fact obama voting base was single stupid women. FACT

    MRAs, I don’t know…

    but they are some Libertarian Feminist, here is one…

  • You’re going to vote UKIP? Blimey.

    I think you pretty much nailed it. Conservatism being male dominated delineates the male tendency to affiliate with right wing/traditional parties, so yeah, I would say MRAs are innately conservative. That is just my perception, mind. I’m sure there are exceptions.

    I’m glad to see the Liberal Democrats have lost yet another vote; they’re absolutely useless. FACT

    Edit: I meant “blimey” as in ‘ah someone on my level’.

    Anti-Euro advocate

  • The hardest thing about this question is that the definitions of “liberal” and “conservative” are going through a period of significant change.

    In the 1960s, liberal meant “progressive, pacifist, pro-equality, at at least somewhat socialist.” Conservative meant “Pro-war, pro-church, traditionalist, anti-drug, monoculturalist.”

    And that’s just changed so much.

    Nowadays, liberals are not half so pacifist as they used to be – since they have a President in power who has to deal with the reality that you can’t just walk away from armed conflicts. They’re much, much more capitalist and pro-corporate than they used to be. They’re less progressive. And a lot of them have a sneaking suspicion that a certain degree of equality has already been achieved and we may have reached a point of diminishing returns.

    Meanwhile, conservatives have suddenly become oddly pacifist, following men like Ron Paul who want an abrupt withdrawal of all military forces from Europe and Asia. They’ve also become much more libertarian. They used to be the pro-censorship, anti-marijuana party – not so much anymore. They’re backing away from integrating Church and state. They’re trying hard to prove they aren’t racist, sexist, or homophobic. And since they’re out of power, they’re starting to question certain traditions instead of insisting on them for the sake of tradition itself.

    It’s a very weird metamorphosis.

    And perhaps what’s weirder is that I clearly perceive that the Democrats are moving further and further to the right in many ways, while the Republicans are moving further and further to the left in many ways – and yet that only seems to *broaden* the partisan divide. As the two parties lose their sharp distinctions, they hate each other more and more and more.

  • “48 percent of Democratic women but just 14 percent of Republican women would label themselves feminist,” the survey says.



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