What are Tom cats? Do they stay by your house?

Hey Guyz so my Aunt said that my 2 cats were Toms cats now I was puzzled what is Tom cats I thinks she said they stay by the house now My cats are 2 males and when I go them out they where ok and then they went somewhere but I was not that worried because of what my Aunt said and I’m just double checking so please answer 🙂


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  • Tom cats are unneutered male cats. No, they will not stay by your house. They will constantly be going around your neighborhood as well as lots of others sniffing out and searching for females in heat in order to mate. They will constantly be fighting other males in order to be able to mate. Do not expect them to live long lives because they will be crossing roads and chasing other cats to kill them and they will be getting bites that get infected. That’s what Tom cats are all about. That and spraying everywhere they can around your house to mark their territory so if it gets smelly, that’s why.

  • Tom cats are more than just male cats. A tom is an male cat that has not been neutered. I’m not sure where your aunt got her information, but toms roam. A tom exists to find females to breed with, hanging around your house isn’t going to get that done.

    You should get your cats neutered. The world doesn’t need more kittens, and doing so will keep them from wandering so far from home. Keeping them inside will do even more.

  • Toms are male cats. And the term ” Tomming” means they are out looking for females in heat. .

  • Toms are male cats.

  • Tom cats are just male cats. That’s why Tom in “Tom and Jerry” is a boy. Its like fido for dogs…

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