What are your thoughts on these conjoined twins?

Abby and Brittany:

I have a lot of sympathy for them. I feel it must be very embarrassing to go out in public and have people stare at you and take photos and/or videos. It probably really sucks to be treated like you aren’t human and don’t have feelings. It’s too bad they aren’t both histrionic- then they would probably enjoy the attention. I’m not going to lie, though, I’d probably snap a photo or something as well. I’d definitely try and be discrete about it at least.

I have so many wonders about them. I wish they would share more about their lives and allow tests to be done.

What happens when one of them die? Afterall they have separate hearts and lungs, but they are still connected. Could they both die? Or would the other live meaning one would need to be surgically removed from the body?

The area of relationships is an especially tricky one. What if one falls in love with a man the other hates? What if they both fall in love with the same man? What if they both fall in love with different men, at the same time? Eventually they will want to lose their virginity… but how will that be decided? If one forced the other to have sex with the man she wanted, that would be rape, right?

But if one did commit a crime, how could they even be punished for it? Especially in the sense of if it were something of a sexual nature in regards to forcing the other to involve in a sexual activity they don’t want to. That girl should be punished for the crime, but how could she be punished humanely without the other being punished as well?

Would the sensation for sex be equal?

I’m endlessly curious as well to how the finishing of sentences and things of that nature works. They are individuals but it seemed to be implied that that think the same things when writing emails and such, aside from opinions.

I wonder how much about each other they DON’T know.

And also, while I’ll never know the truth about what they are thinking, I sort of feel like it’s unlikely they have never wished to be separate.

Maybe it’s cruel and disrespectful of me, but in a way I kind of feel they have an obligation to allow some tests to be done on them so medical researchers can learn more.

Tatiana and Krista:

Even more questions and wonders come to mind with them. Probably because they are not old enough to tell their stories yet.

Even when they are old enough though, will they be able to describe the differences from their lives and a typical human’s life?

I wonder if it is confusing at all to be able to see out of their sister’s eyes as well as their own? I’m curious about how it works as well. Could one girl sleep separately from the other?

How connected exactly are their brains? If they can know eachother’s thoughts, that must be very confusing.

I really wish I could learn more and watch updates on all of their lives.

✅ Answers

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  • Curiosity is natural, but keep in mind that, like you said yourself, they ARE human beings and why should they allow “testing” if they don’t want to? Just to satisfy the public’s curiosity? Everyone feels sexual pleasure in different ways – how they feel it is NO ONE’S business. That is personal and private. It’s normal to wonder, everyone probably wonders it, but wanting them to make every little thing and detail about themselves public knowledge is going pretty overboard. They have a right to privacy just like you do.

    As for death…I think that if one of them died, the other would probably die too. I’m sure that they probably DO think about being separate all the time, but what can they do about it? I say they’re getting on just fine with the hand they were dealt.
    – Chosen by Asker

  • The second video was the only video I was able to see. I find it disturbing. Their heads are joined together.

    How can you ask those other questions of when they are growing up and maturing? Looking at those videos can scar anyone. Do you want to see images of those conjoined twins in your head?

    Plus how would you be able to eat your food, being mentally scarred?

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