what are your views on abortion?

I personally disagree and whe watching a documentary about it it upset me so much the way that they do i and what happens. but what are ur views on it, do u agree or disagree?


what about when they have left it until 23 weeks? i no at some point after fiding ur pregnant it is a pill or something bt when it is 23 weeks and can do an awful lot does the situation still count?


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  • That it’s selfish and wrong. If you don’t want to be a mother, then don’t have sex. It’s simple enough. If you’re not grown up enough to take responsibility for a child, then you shouldn’t be having sex. Plus, you can give birth to a child, and not keep it, there are millions of couples who are adopting, and looking to adopt.

    Edit: Some of you are talking about rape. Okay. If I was raped, I’d still have the baby, but give it up for adoption. Life is life.

  • I am pro-choice; I believe abortion is a legitimate and valid form of reproductive healthcare that should be safe, legal, and accessible without undue burden, shame, or stigma for any woman who decides she needs one.

    Hope that helps!

    EDIT: “what about when they have left it until 23 weeks? i no at some point after fiding ur pregnant it is a pill or something bt when it is 23 weeks and can do an awful lot does the situation still count?”

    The vast majority of abortions take place early on in a pregnancy; abortions after 21 weeks constitute only 1.5% of all abortions, and are usually taking place that late because there is some problem with the pregnancy- either a fetal anomaly that was not detected until that point, or a threat that has developed to the life or health of the mother. For those few elective abortions that take place this late, it is often the result of being unable to access early abortion- remember, 88% of counties do not have an abortion provider and many states require a mandatory waiting period that forces patients to spend an evening in a hotel to return the next day for the actual procedure. For women who are poor, they may not be able to afford this travel and stay, much less take time off of work to be able to do so, thus leading to them postponing the procedure until they can get the money together and/or the time available. Women aren’t just waiting willy-nilly to get abortions at 23 weeks . . . 58% of women seeking abortion (and 91% of those seeking it in their second trimester) report that they would have preferred to have their procedure earlier.

  • I think it really depends on the person and the situation. I think that to use abortion as a form of birth control is very wrong. However, if a woman were to have been raped, and got pregnant because of it, then I feel it’s an option that woman can look in too. In that case it may be in her or the babies best interest. In the case that the child may not live, which is rare in these days, however I think then too It’s a viable option. Other wise there are other options for children. I believe that if you mess around and get pregnant, you should raise that child and love them. If you can not provide a good home for that child then there are many couples who are wonderful who can’t have children, so then adoption would be good. being adopted myself, when I had children i chose to keep them. It was important to me. As much as children are a blessing, being a single parent is very hard. So having children and making that decision shouldn’t be made lightly.

    Nice Question. I enjoyed answering it. Thank you.


    Source(s): Being Adopted, Single mom of 2.

  • I think it depends on the situation. If a 12 year old girl gets raped then why should she have to have that baby? It would be dangerous for her to undergo child birth at such a young age, miss lots of school, and probably be made fun of by other kids who don’t understand the situation. Also if she had the baby and choose to keep it, she would likely be resentful. I do disagree with people that use abortion as a way of birth control. But over all i think that it should be a woman’s choice if she has one or not.

  • There is no situation where you should abort. I have a very brave friend who was raped and seriously considered aborting, but she did the right thing. She knows it’s not the baby’s fault, she sued the man that did that to her and now she is a wonderful single mom of a 3 year old beautiful boy. And she is only 19. So anyone who says they can’t is mistaken. But at the same time I do not want to judge when someone does go through with it, because we can give out our opinion all we want, but when we’re actually in a situation like that, we might do just the opposite of what we praise because of the situation itself. I always am for-life, but do not condemn someone who does go through with it – or at least i try not to.

  • I don’t think it should be used as a form of birth control. But I do believe that a woman has a right to choose whether or not it’s for her. She shouldn’t have someone else making decisions about her body, her life, and her family.

    Just because I don’t approve of heroin use doesn’t mean I’m going to go up to a bunch of junkies and rip the needles out of their arms. Their life, their body, their business.

    Edit: I think if a woman chooses to have an abortion, it should be done as soon as possible after discovering the pregnancy. Late term abortions are illegal for a reason.

  • I am pro choice I can’t tell anybody what to do, if people don’t want to have babies(there are many reasons why you wouldn’t want to) I’m not going to guilt them into it. Besides I heard somewhere that you don’t get your soul until your like almost a year old and that makes sense to me.

  • I disagree the fact that it is pretty sad to just do that. but depending on the situation of how it was made might make me think diferently. .

  • I believe in everyone’s right to choose.

    Btw I don’t know why it upsets you so much what a strange woman does with her life. How does it affect you? If you can’t help sobbing over a TV program, that is your problem. Don’t watch it.

  • I’m against abortion. It’s no different than killing someone who can’t take care of themselves. Life begins with conception and continues to develop up until you reach your late teens early twenties. Then your body begins to degenerate once you hit your late 20s until your death.

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